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Anyone have hervey bay artickles?
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Thread: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

  1. #1

    Anyone have hervey bay artickles?


    Am looking at going up to Hervey Bay to see if I can fool one of those Goldens. Does anyone have any articles, or links to articles about this kind of fishing?

    I have been thinking of hiring a guide for a day, and try a few days on my own. How likely is it that you see and/or catch a golden trevally in a days fishing? if it is slim chanses, I won't hire a guide. Then I rather hire one for some barra fishing, as I can only afford one days guiding on my Australia venture. That is all I'm alowed by the misses...

    Can you guys tell me how much a guide charges for a days fly fishing on the flats? And who do you reccomend?

    Thank you!

    And if any of you need a fishing partner I might be able to help

    Thight lines!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    paul Jennings....JOking, just checking if my pics working

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    there is only one guide to use at hervey bay frasercoast sportfishing and is the best


  4. #4

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?


    Nat Bromhead also works up there, www.saltwater (remove the space for the URL to work )

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?


    as i said "there is only one guide to use at Hervey bay, Fraser coast sport fishing and is the best"
    why would you use a out of towner? where Nat from? 200km away?

    use a local, use a locals knowledge.
    support local business and Paul has a 100% success rate in providing fish


  6. #6

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    yep, go with paul dolan (fraser coast sportsfishing) i used to work with him at kingfisher bay resort. top bloke who always catches fish (note always, hasnt had fishless trip) hes brilliant and i think hes cheaper than nat. dont quote me on that. give him a call, hell be only too happy to help u out.
    tight lines

  7. #7

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    go to your local newsagent and ask to get a mag called ' Lets Go Fishing " from Hervey Bay. Has lots of good oil !

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    didn't Nat work for Sid for quite a while in the Bay. Lot of local knowledge there to be passed on.


  9. #9

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdan123

    as i said "there is only one guide to use at Hervey bay, Fraser coast sport fishing and is the best"
    why would you use a out of towner? where Nat from? 200km away?

    use a local, use a locals knowledge.
    support local business and Paul has a 100% success rate in providing fish


    Nat is pretty much a local up there too, as Dazz said he worked for Sid Boshammer a fair bit. Also, last year him and Paul Dolan were helping each other out with charters so that must mean something...

    I have never met Paul but heard only good things about his guide service, and Nat is a mate and I can only say good things about him too...


    Back to your original question, here is the first article ever written on the Hervey Bay Goldens: remove the space between fly and life for the link to work


  10. #10

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Thank you guys!

    I thought there was quite a few guides up there as it sort of is THE flat fishing spot of Australia...

    A 100% fish guarantee can't be beaten i suppose hehe.

    Lots of good info guys!

    More articles?


  11. #11

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Told ya mate if you want to catch fis my mate Paul will show you the light.

    Paul is the only guide I have know to respect not only his client but his fishing surrounding's aswell, Enjoy your birthday money Alex go with pual, he has a wealth of knowlage of all types of fishing so it will be a great way to get a lesson on QLD fishing aswell as a golden trevalley.

    Go on ya mate Nathan

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Hey Nathan!

    Are you in here aswell?

    Just thought I'd ask these guys too Hey mate, did you go up to Borumba? I'm having a hard time finding those tarpon... must be the wrong season... or maybe the fisherman

    Catch ya later...


  13. #13
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Couldn't go past Paul and if the weather gods are angry he'll take you to Lenthalls for barra and bass.

  14. #14

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tropical Trout

    Paul is the only guide I have know to respect not only his client but his fishing surrounding's aswell
    Wake up to your self mate, obviously you don't know to many guides....... [smiley=angryfire.gif]

    These guys all rely on their clients and the surroundings to put food on the table.

    I don't know Paul but I am sure that he does what you say and respects his clients and the enviroment, but I am yet to meet a a sportsfishing guide who doesn't, and I don't reckon you have either.

    Sorry to the forum for the nature of this post but that comment has got my blood boiling


  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Anyone have hervey bay artickles?

    Hi Alex ,

    As mentioned the guide I would be useing up there is Paul Dolan have been out with him on numerous occassions and he has always gone above and beyond the call of duty to not only find fish but get you onto them a genius when it comes to Goldens in the bay.

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