i've just signed up from South Africa - v.keen to start understanding as an outsider to Aus. (Or is it written OZ) , more and more baout flyfishing for Jacks - locally and in Mozambique - they're exclusively known as Kingfish. (In the USA they're still Jacks)
1. Can anyone help out with currency comparisons : Aus Dollar to US Dollar so I can convert back when I see hopw much things cost.
2. What's the cost of petrol by the litre ?
3. How much does a standard cortland line cost ? - say 6/7 weight, double taper, weight forward
4. Do you have Orvis / Reddington / Sage / What are the approx prices for a 10wt in each of these.
5. How much would you expect to pay for a boga grip ?
If anyone knows please help me so I can follow the chats more intelligently