I posted some months back about travelling to england for work and play for an extended period. I got some replies on where to fish which was great. I just picked up my fly rod and reel the other day. A cortland 9ft 7 rod and shakespeare reel with intermediate line and a 9ft monofilament tapered leader. All suited to fish 7 weight. Also bought some nymps and some summer damsels. I have been told of a spot pretty close to london's centre. A group of reserviors near walthamstow. Which is about a 40 minute tube ride from me. Have just picked up my first issue of "todays fly fisher" just to see what was what in enland. Looks like trout and salmon are the top of the hit list whilst 7 weight seems a little undergunned for salmon but close to ideal for the size of the trout in england. Most of the fly fishing I will be doing will be off banks and jetties etc.
now - having never cast a fly line before do people have any videos or know of any online tutorials which have intructional videos. I am wanting to avoid lessons if i can as they are quite expensive over here, so if i can find videos and sort of teach myself then that willbe a plus.
any thoughts would be appreciated.