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Species on Fly - Page 2
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Thread: Species on Fly

  1. #16

    Re: Species on Fly

    Anyone got a pic of a stargazer ?

  2. #17
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Species on Fly

    g'day catchy_fishy

    for a stargazer have a look at this,

  3. #18
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Species on Fly

    I have only started the saltwater fly since i got back from the UK in august so got a lot to learn.especially swishhing a . iam fortunate to live in cairns with a boat. besides the fresh water list of browns, rainbows , greyling. i have managed a few mac tuna. hopfully a few more can be checked off the wanted list this weekend lol
    since the spanish macks are around i think il try and get a burley trail going and do a few blind casts watch this space daniel

  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Species on Fly

    I have only started the saltwater fly since i got back from the UK in august so got a lot to learn.especially swishhing a clouser . iam fortunate to live in cairns with a boat. besides the fresh water list of browns, rainbows , greyling. i have managed a few mac tuna. hopfully a few more can be checked off the wanted list this weekend lol
    since the spanish macks are around i think il try and get a burley trail going and do a few blind casts watch this space daniel

  5. #20

    Re: Species on Fly

    Watching ???????

  6. #21
    Ausfish Silver Member wessel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Species on Fly

    Me too, interested to hear how you catch spanish macks on fly.

    That is one species I still want to check off my list.


  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Species on Fly

    Hi there

    Just getting into salt water fly -- managed a bonito and mackeral so far. Going to try this week end at the Pin for falthead and bream.. was thinking of trying a deceiver pattern on the flathead ??? not sure what to do with the bream -- bass vampire maybe ??

    Any ideas on presentation, flies or tackle weight would be welcome

    thanks Paul

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member BrandonH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Species on Fly

    in the past i have only caught Bream at the bli bli barra park, I have had the barra boof my pellet fly but had no takers, prob couldn't get then in on my 6 weight anyways!! Lol. the bream were on a floating bread fly. this weekend after reading this thread i thought bugger it i am going to take the fly rod out for a bash used a yellow sinking think that i was recomended for bream hoping to get some bream or flathead. anyways didn't get any bream of flathead but managed a nice yellow tailed pike not tooo bad for my first non impoundment fish on fly!!!

    Tight lines

  9. #24
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Species on Fly

    I was thinking of using a 5/6 weight on the bream and a 8/9weight on the flathead - maybe I should stick with the 8/9 weight on the bream as well. What was the yelow sinking thing??


  10. #25

    Re: Species on Fly

    If you are new to flyfishing in the salt you must give the trevally's a try.

    Streamer or popper patterns and an ultra fast retrieve (no even faster than that) (in fact even faster still) and then wham !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you hook up and hang on.

    Best everyday fishing you're likely to have on a fly rod. Be carefule around structure though, as they can go deep and cut you off.

    Fly line losses can add up quickly


  11. #26

    Re: Species on Fly

    oh yes and use 8/9 wt rod also don't forget a stripping basket. It makes fishing in the salt so much easier.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Species on Fly

    That stripping basket is a good idea -- I will have to get one. I imagine you pick up trevally around structure like bridge pylons and jetties


  13. #28

    Re: Species on Fly

    Swallowtail Dart
    Bluefin Trevally
    Giant Trevally
    Golden Trevally
    Dinner Trevally
    Gold Spot Trevally
    and another four or so different trevallies
    Coral trout
    Wire Netting Cod
    Dogtooth Tuna
    Mac Tuna
    Longtail Tuna
    Spotted Mackerel
    Spanish Mackerel
    Doggie Mackerel
    Black Marlin
    Mahi Mahi
    Brown Trout
    Murray Cod
    Golden Perch
    Australian Bass
    Giant Herring
    Sleepy Cod
    Eeltail catfish
    Forktail catfish
    Archer Fish
    Australian Salmon
    European Carp
    Barcoo Grunter
    Jungle Perch
    Sooty Grunter
    Spangled Perch
    Javelin Fish
    Black Bream
    Threadfin Salmon
    Blue Salmon
    Estuary Cod
    Frigate Mackerel
    Mangrove Jack
    Moses Perch
    Long Tom
    Black Tipped Reef Shark
    Wolf Herring
    Slimey Mackerel
    and a few unidentified ooglie thingies

  14. #29

    Re: Species on Fly

    Geez, Leeann

    What fish have you not caught on fly?
    I wish that had caught that many species on all types of fishing totaled.
    You sure are lucky to have caught all those fish on fly. I envy You
    Just out of curiosity which fish was the most fun/rewarding to catch?


  15. #30
    Ausfish Silver Member wessel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Species on Fly

    I am with Craig here, which one was the most difficult to land?

    By the way, how did you hook a black tip reef shark? Luck or planned?

    and what the heck is a Javelin fish?


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