G'day Bob, mate, one thing i've noticed when talking to a lot of guys is that the publicity of the soft plastic brigade has lead to this misconception that soft plastics are the only way to catch a lot of fish. How many times have you read a magazine article saying how Tom or Mary caught 30 Bass on soft plastics and that they got them because they were using this prescented grub, or that shad pattern.....?
In the end what a lot of people don't realize is that to flick a fly through those same schools, would have meant having to learn another technique, but would have been just as effective.
There's also the fact that there's a LOT of closet long wanders out there that've never really given the fly gear a real go. They buy a rod and reel package worth say 200 bucks from a tackle shop, can't cast more than 30 ft by the end of the first week and simply put it in the too hard basket.
The rod ends up another dust collector in the shed.
Queensland doesn't have very many casting instructors. (But we've certainly got some great ones)
Think about Tassie, NSW and Victoria, where fly fishing is as popular as any other form of fishing. Probably because of trout. Everyone associates trout with fly fishing. There wouldn't be too many streams or impoundments in those states where you could head out for a day and not see a fly fisherman.
On a local level, we've got dams with stocks of Bass, Yellowbelly and Cod. One day, about 18 months ago, i was flicking a few flies around for yellowbelly when 3 guys motored past trolling for YB's, they looked kindof confused the poor buggers as they commented......."mate, there's no */"#@^&*!trout in here" and proceeded to wet the floor of their boat whilst slapping the comedian on the shoulder.
About 30 seconds later, i got hit and dragged in a yellowbelly of around 40cm. "No mate, no bloody trout, but thank god something in here always eats a fly". Was hard to keep a straight face.
I run my own web site purely for fly fishing in Australia. Interestingly enough, the biggest slice of our members are Queenslanders.