G'day Guys,
After successfully restocking our local river with Bass for the last four years our Club/Council have just received advice from NSW Fisheries that our application this year has been declined. :shock:
Not only will NSW Fisheries not assist with their Dollar for Dollar funding but will also not issue a permit at all for restocking should we wish to proceed with the purchase fingerlings. Despite having $5,000 from Council to purchase fingerlings we are now allowed to put the fingerlings in the river :shock: :shock:
The document being applied to come to this decision is a draft "Bass Restocking Policy" that I'm trying to get a copy of. I'm putting together a submission to hopefully get Fisheries to reconsider before we lose a year from our restocking program. We've developed an excellent relationship with the local Council who have committed dollars to our restocking program over the next (at least) five years and to date have had a similarly good relationship with Fisheries who have helped us out with funding. We'd like to continue this.![]()
Fisheries seem to support the restocking of dams however seem to neglect the natural habitat of the Bass where numbers, for other reasons may be low, and needing a boost through restocking. Rather than put them in a dam (akin to a fattening paddock) we's rather see them in a river where they at leat have a chance of reproducing. We don't have the luxury of a public dam in our backyard and therefore wish to continue stocking the river.
Have any other stocking groups (in NSW) similarly had their applications knocked-back? I know of at least two other refusals and would be interested to know if you guys plan any sort of reply to NSW Fisheries