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barra fisheries at lenthalls dam
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Thread: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

  1. #1

    barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    hi all
    i am looking for opinions re stocking barra at lenthalls dam
    would any ausfishers like to see the dam stocked with more barra ?
    i am in the local stocking association and would like to see what the fisher persons would like stocked in the dam.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Are you kidding Who wouldn't want stocking of Barra in Lenthalls.
    Best of both worlds, Bass and Barra.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member TonyM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    More please!!!

    Have heard lots of reports of Barra caught at Lenthalls lately, it would be great to see more put in there.

  4. #4

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    It would be great as it appears to be a good fishery for it. How many barra did they lose over the wall from the previous stockings.

  5. #5

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    there has been a large number of barra caught at lenthalls dam between 400mm and 550mm over the last month.
    they seem to be from the last stocking in December last year. they where released at 50mm.
    unbelievable growth rate
    we think that lots of barra went over the wall when it flooded some years back.
    if all goes well this year there will be 10,000 more barra in the lake this year.


  6. #6

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Thanks Dan,
    I dropped in there a year a so ago, keep meaning to pop back and have a try now you have convinced me.


  7. #7

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    a mate ray with his first barra 71cm tagged at lenthalls dam


  8. #8

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Both bass & barra have gone over the wall there in the past,,, & both will again in the future. they both have similar requirements to go to the salt.

    I say 10 000 barra is not enough.


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  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Please put more barra in lenthalls!! Its a beautiful dam.

    Given current translocation policy, it makes sense to put barra in.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Yes put heaps in....Heap and heaps and even a few more.....Might stop a few of you blokes coming up to Awoonga....The less boats we have up here the better...More barra for me
    Kids need models, more than they need critics."
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  11. #11

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Many people pass the great fishery at Lentalls on their way futher north for BARRA. I have fished Lentals for bass and know what a great fishery it is. The stocking group are to be complimented for the work they have done with bass over the years. I am sure that they will do just as good of a job with barra. More people will tick Lentalls on their SIP if there are barra in there, and this will flow onto bass fingerlings as well. YES more Barra!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Gidday Dan

    I have only just recently had teh pleasure to experience ifrst hand thsi beautiful piece of water and the fishing it offers.

    You guys should be building this up more and more, so I am with everyone else in asking for more barra to go in.

    These fish are great sport and get teh blood pumping, I certainly have 'FEVER"...BARRA FEVER!

    Keep up teh great work and please let us all knwo if there is ever anything we can ALL help you guys with.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    Yep Dan,

    Bangem in the more the merrier GEEZ I LUV BARRA



  14. #14

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    to fitzy
    yes both barra and bass go over the wall but will they ever make it through the pros nets

  15. #15

    Re: barra fisheries at lenthalls dam

    thanks guys for all your replys
    some good info there


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