G'day Turley,
Well put.
I concur.
Welcome to the site.
G'day Turley,
Well put.
I concur.
Welcome to the site.
bring on the barra and let petrol motors onbig W yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy then let the fun begin god i could have sleepless nights about this
bring on the barra![]()
Barra in SEQ - mhmm. Dont know the info and the facts to determine what would be right or wrong for this topic. It would attract alot more people on the water, and from my experiences down south chasing bass and goldens, im not if theirs enough room to accomodate bass and barra fishermen. My 2cents worth.
Well well, look at what a simple poll can do to people.
Firstly to answer teh question that Randall posted- YEs I would liek to see more barra stocked in SE Qld, who wouldnt.
( obviously some!but hey thtas thier choice.)
I spent 4 years recently living in the UK, OK it was my choice to go there and I wouldnt change a thing , but man have they got a hack of a fisheries. TEh average guy HAS to buy a half day or full day ticket to fish and this costs around 50 GBP- thats about $110 bucks.
So what ? Yeah well look at how much we pay for what we have.
Anyone who belongs or helps out with teh stocking of any impoundmenet with any fish species that benefits not only us as fisherman , but also the surrounding business' and towns gets my full support.
I have been lucky enough that my best mates have taken me to Awoonga , Monduran and more because its closer Lenthalls, and as I hadnt caught anything more than a barely legal wild barra in Townsville, I am now what you wouldcall a full on barra junky and sit at work and hoem at nightthinking about the next trip ,ortying weird and wonderful 'bits of fluff' to chuck at them.
I enjoy teh thrill and teh sport of catching ,and seeing somene else catching fish, no matter what they are.
I think that perhaps on this occassion we could all stop teh personal attacks on people just because tehy beleive in somethin different than others and vote on the Poll Question.
For mine its a BIg yes, if the trials and whatever else the stocking groups use to determine the feasability of a succesful stocking.
As ANGLERS, no matter what sort of fishing we do or how we do it, we at least owe them the respect to try, as well as thanking them for wehat we already have.
ITs only one strike of a pen and it could be all gone- never forget that!
Just my 20c worth. ( hate pommy money!)
that would be great!!!
Bring on the big guns,
Barra are the ideal fish for the warmer dams on the east of the Great Divide.
The original thought was that they were in the Brisbane River.
My family lived in the region from the early 1800 and that was the story that was passed down.
Obviously some will say bullshit. But take the time research and also listen to the old timers.
Also they won't breed in the freshwater.
And if they escape. Watch out Moreton Bay. Don't think they would survive in the water south of MtCrosby. There is not much that will.
Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.
Wouldn't it be great for the community if some millionaire fisho like steve irwin or greg norman approached the local and/or state government to initiate the injection of 50,000 barra per year for three years into ewen maddock dam which is near caloundra city. The benefit to steve is he would create worldclass fishing 10 minutes from his zoo . The benefit to greg is a worldclass fishery within 20 minutes from his golfing investments at pelican waters. The benefit to the dpi would be a no cost real and meaningful trial with immediate results in one of the easiest dams of all to monitor. My benefit aside from the fact that I live 5 minutes away is to prove to the caloundra city council that they would benefit more by setting up a barra fishery than any other sporting venture they have previously used our rates to endorse! I am so passionate about this because I have already seen barra in this dam grow to 7kg in 18 months . Agassi's glassfish is anative freshwater forage fish already established in this dam (see attached). Very shallow warm dam /weed&lillies.
You'd have to do something about the spillway Gidget, you'd lose heaps over there in a flood. It'd be awesome but wouldn't it, be a great top water fishery.
. I acknowledge your point . The 'owners' of ewen maddock now have a monitor station at the dam wall and start releasing water before the level gets near full. In my dealings with the Macdonald hatchery it was proven that substantial migration occurs upstream as well during floodtimes . With lake baroon we lost most of our 50 cm bass years ago in a major flood in winter when they were 'ripe' togo to the salt to spawn. Baroon has an excellant fishery despite this as does hinze which went over at the same time. .A mixed fishery of bass&barra is sensible because they have different spawning seasons. The other way of thinking about it is to count how many barra dams have dam walls, fishnets,high rainfall etc. If we think negatively(precautionary principle etc) we would not put fish in any dam.Lake Mcdonald is still a bass fishery and floods regularly. very similar to ewen maddock. To put barra in a dam with a five times better growth rate than bass sounds logical to me.
sorry folks i say only in wivenhoe fellas
big expanse
why ruin our great bass fisheries?
50 barra would do a lot of damage in maroon dam?
That's why it has to be ewen maddock . We have only put 8000 bass in this dam ever! One token stocking of bass years ago is not enough to call it a serious bass fishery. Thats why the big people must get involved i.e. council , dpi to create something from nothing with a fantastic benefit for the community . Only then will the powers that be consider bass fisheries like big w and somerset . Don't get me wrong I want all dams that can support barra to have barra . Chip away slowly but get support from the right people.
Id have to agree with whats been said here, Ewen Maddock Dam. You guys are really crying out for Barra close to the Bris-Vegas arnt ya's. Fair enough i say, i can see the point. Ewen Maddock would be the only dam to cater for Barra fishing close to your backyard, i think the place would do fairly well with Barra from what ive heard about the place (still havnt been there myself, but from the figures and location of it, i think it would be pretty good!).
Gidget - I think we'd all like stars like Irwin and Norman to donate to the cause, and who knows?. Maybe they wake up on the right side of the bed one morning and think the idea's a cracker, maybe not. Lets hope the community/s can find away to accomodate you guys...
Budgebass - Wivenhoe. Hell no. Place is to good for barra. Besides... thats to far south... the waters wouldnt warm that huge place for the barra. If Wivenhoe were to magically swap places with Ewen Maddock when it comes to location... then it would be perfect. Leave Wivenhoe as a whopping bass fishery...
Isn't wivenhoes stocking controlled by their fishing club. If they want barra let them put barra in . Tomorrow I am applying to the dpi for a permit to stock four thousand dollars worth of barra fingerlings into ewen maddock dam .