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Thread: Barra in SE Qld

  1. #61

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Quote Originally Posted by McCod
    60000 barra stocked into Boondoomba. 1 fish caught.
    Yep, all northern barra, all small, late in the season & one of the coldest winters on record.
    Been more than 1 caught, but who actually fishes for them?
    Was 5000 north barra put into most of the sth Qld dams years ago, a couple caught at sumerset & 1 at maroon too.

    Who knows if they dont try? Head in the sand approach would see us living in trees still.


  2. #62

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Quote Originally Posted by burdekinbarra
    Reminds me of back when they wanted to put Nile Perch in Burdekin Falls Dam. Thank god they didnt. Barra are great and we all love them, but further study is needed to determine what effect (if any) they would have on the fish populations of your other native species down there.
    The way i read it is that they're prepared to stop stocking the other fish if barra are cool. Who wants yellaguts & silver grunters anyway & every other dam in 400 miles up or down has got bass in it, pretty ho-hum that every dam is the same in the area. Why not try it, not like the mentioned Nile Perch, barra cant breed so theres no problem.


  3. #63

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Good evening All.
    Well, I have just read through all the postings in one hit.

    And there are a couple of things that become super obvious.

    First the not nice, when someone has other views, and in any debate all points of view should be taken and balanced against another factor.
    Fitz, your laceing your points of view with common sarcasm does not help the reader, in fact it loses the positive view and your postive way of debating what you believe in.

    Secondly, there is one common under current, and that is the Public Service, the people we pay to help all of us.

    If placeing Barra here or there or the Mary Cod or any of her family here or there and the is no help, let alone no money, we the anglers of Queensland have a monster problem.

    We as a country can spend millions of dollars on a few sports people to attend a games fest in Southern Europe, but can not help with the tax payers fishing, but did you say, the bill the great sports people and their hanger oners ran up and was paid for from taxes collected from you, but no money to help a fish or fishery, we have a monster problem, thats way bigger than placeing Barra here or there or Mary Cod here or there.

    I think this whole debate should be about getting better help from the Government and how this can be 'done'.
    And from there anglers can only move forward.

    Myself, I see huge problems with the introduced pest fish, how this problem is over come, is above me. !

    The translocation, stopping the introduction of anything in the Dams in SEQ, silly to say the least because, to the best of my knowledge all bass are from a different location and are dumped into a new home, a new location.
    And if we add to the equation Yellowbelly and Silvers, then any clear thinker would stop reading or start laughing how totally stupid the situation is !

    Now to upset a number of purest types, there maybe a case to introduce Trout into the section under the W dam, with the cold water, these fish would be totally controlled by the water temputure, summer and winter.

    And in turn would generate a great money 'spinner', for everybody.
    As there is no where in Queensland where the public can attempt to catch a Trout.
    They are super cheap and easy to obtain. And could add to the controlling factor to the introduced pest fish.

    And only after a suitable study was under taken to see how the introduce fish would cope or destroy the other creatures around them.
    This fish could add a new factor to a all ready great international fishery, the top of the Brisbance River.

    Some of the hidden problems with the mighty Barra are once they, the Barra reach about 20 pound the number of anglers who can catch this fish are very limited. However everybody pays the permit to fish the pond they and other fish live in.

    Which in turn produces people who won't and don't buy a fishing permit, then the income available reduces, and we have a problem with lack of funds available.
    And this very situation has happened at Tinaroo.

    But the expert, ithe in crowd are ok, they catch big Barra, sometimes and if they don't they obtain Hero Points when talking about the big Barra that beat them.

    The idea of introducting another major perdator fish into a wonderful major Bass fisherie, must take a lot of research and deep thinking, before even the how to or the cost is even thought about.

    So in conclusion, we must address the following factors before any other fish is introduced.
    The Public Servant problem , now to over come this the South African expereice could be a good way to to with their Trout fishery.
    And this is, the Government/Public Service, stands back and the local fish group take charge and ALL, 100% of funds collected are given the this group, they inturn operate the hatchery, and control the release and where or when.

    The group is free to attract advertising and funds from corporate bodies, like Car Compaies and boat buiders, etc.
    As to fund a conversation group like a fish stocking group and their hatchery would be better value than some catching competition, I talk from by business point of view, however there are others (businesses)who sit back and watch.

    Please look apon my views and thoughts with postive thoughts because there wasn't meant to be anything negative.
    Kind regards.
    I am a Talon Fly Fishing Products agent.

  4. #64

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Were you pissed when you wrote this Barry?????

    Dont dare tell me you were straight!!!!


  5. #65
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Got to agree wit you there Randall, and trout you have to be kidding me.



  6. #66

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Hi Randall and Mr Bomber.
    It would appear that you didn't read or what you read you didn't or couldn't comprehend.
    And again, I wrote the following.
    In relation to Trout being placed in the coldwater from the big W Dam.

    "And only after a suitable study was under taken to see how the introduce fish would cope or destroy the other creatures around them. "

    I would have thought that the above was clear enough for most.
    Now what is the problem with the statement?
    Are you of closed mind about Trout and their potential economic value to the local and Brisbane businesses?

    The cold water, a by product of the W Dam, could be a great location, again, I wrote, 'could'.

    I find it rather strange that you accepted the problem with Public Servants and didn't have a problem with fishing/the stocking and the hatching of fish for these Dams being controlled/run by a local group.
    Either is there a comment about the folly of introduceing Bass into a area that are a non native to the release area.
    Either to introduceing another set of non locals, the Yellowbelly and the Silver Perch.

    However when someone, me, suggests the possiblities of Trout you wrote cheap street language about being drunk.
    Sir, I only have one glass of red wine with my meal, as this is what my Doctor suggested.

    Please, with the 'don't dare tell me' talk, just who on Earth are you? Some big bully boy who if some other person suggests an idea comes in .....

    Maybe the real problem with the whole managerment is not the funds or who the Public Service helps or doesn't, it is your closed mind and treating attitude !
    As it is far than helpfull to your cause or the fish managerment you are alined to.

    Now it wouldn't have taken much thinking from what was written, by me about a Hatchery and Fish releasing, coupled with the fact I stated who I was, to think, just maybe this fellow might be able to help our cause, maybe he might even from his business offer a cash donation.

    No, both of you clever chaps, and I must consider you both are representing the managerment of the fish stocking group that releases fish into the big W Dam, do not need or require any help, in time or money.

    And before another out burst on your powerful keyboards, please can you give me the reasons why a Trout fishery couldn't co exist below the Dam wall?
    (If after a study theydoould or would be as little damage as done to the waterway as releaseing your mighty Barra into the dam or below it).

    A fisherie such as a Trout fisherie on Brisbane's door steps would capture some of the 100's of 1000's of dollars that exit this State every year to the Southern States and New Zealand.

    And if you allow your self to think a little deeper, the increase of fees to fish for this fish just might help with developing a fisherie above the Dam wall.
    And you may find there are others who might help your cause of better fish managerment above and or below the big W Dam.

    I only offered a suggestion, and don't believe what was written was called for.
    Guess you don't was want or require my help either.
    Regards to you both.

  7. #67

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Surely the suggestion that we consider stocking a non-native fish in South East Queensland, ie. Trout imported for Europe and North America, has to be a negative in itself.
    Mental note Barry, don't post after drinking too much red wine. It could make you look like a tossa.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  8. #68

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Sometimes it`s just better not to enter into a keyboard shootin match.....this is one of those occassions. A pointless exersize. Different planents Barry.


  9. #69

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Barry many thanks for your suggestions. As the Pres of the Big W stocking group I can say that we've pretty much got things covered for now, however if we ever consider stocking trout into the region, we will be sure to contact you for some input.

    BTW- there is trout water in Qld if you know where to look but I rarely bother with them, native fish are much more fun.


    Garry Fitzgerald
    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  10. #70

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Quote Originally Posted by aussiebasser
    Mental note Barry, don't post after drinking too much red wine. It could make you look like a tossa.
    What do you mean "could"!

    Hey Unkie Barry, a few trout in that river wouldn't hurth the sales of fly reels too hey.

  11. #71
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Randall, are you involved in the stocking group in question?

    A trout tail race fishery for Big W? That would be interesting.
    Is there any available figures on the temps at which water gets released from the bottom of the wall?

    Fitzy, why wont cod breed in Big W?

    and a couple more questions-

    Barry owns or is involved in a tackle import/wholesale company, does your stocking group receive any support from such companies? (not only barry's of course) Obviously, it would be in the best interests of such companies to support booming local fisheries?

    Is there anything the average joe blow can do to expediate barra into Big W?

    Thanks Mate.

  12. #72
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Voltzy, SWFSA could use a world champion fly fisherperson, such as yourself, to lobby the politcal bodies. Are you up for it?

  13. #73

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Quote Originally Posted by Voltzy
    Is there any available figures on the temps at which water gets released from the bottom of the wall?
    Yes, not consistently cold enough for trout to survive. Refer SEQWCorp for specifics.

    Fitzy, why wont cod breed in Big W?
    Very few if any nesting sites are in the lake itself as the whole area was de-forrested prior to the lake filling. Good possibility that they will breed in the Brisbane River above Big W.
    and a couple more questions-

    Barry owns or is involved in a tackle import/wholesale company, does your stocking group receive any support from such companies? (not only barry's of course) Obviously, it would be in the best interests of such companies to support booming local fisheries?
    We enjoy great support from some tackle companies, tackle stores, lure manufacturers etc as well as non-fishing boating related companies eg Ergon Energy & various state & local govt departments. No Barry's business does not support our work or projects.
    We can certainly use more support to get worthwhile project off the ground sooner rather than later.

    Is there anything the average joe blow can do to expediate barra into Big W?
    You can write letters of support to the stocking group, your local & state govt representative & to Qld dept of Primary Industries & Fisheries. You can also be of great assistance by simply being a member of your local stocking group, play an active role in developing, maintaining & managing your own local fishery. (It's also a great way to learn many new things about fish & fishing in general).

    SWFSA website is


    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  14. #74

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    I also believe there is a substantial "no fish" zone below lake Wivenhoe wall.
    Surely the Bass, Golden Perch, Mary River Cod and Saratoga in that stretch of the Brisbane River are enough, without introducing Trout.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  15. #75

    Re: Barra in SE Qld

    Don't now what ya on about.Not after excuses as to why barra stocking failed at boondoomba. If barra stocking of any dam near Brisbane go's ahead. I will be out there targeting them as i live on Sunshine coast. It's easy to drop in someones Quotes and throw King hits over the net . At the start of this poll Randall asked for some comments.So pull ya head out of "AND IT'S NOT THE SAND".

    "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

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