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natives 4 tank
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Thread: natives 4 tank

  1. #1

    natives 4 tank

    hey people,

    i have a fairly large tank and would like to put some natives in it.
    i have experience with Barramundi but am looking at others i've put together a list of what fish i wont,

    what i mean is i would either like a

    Mangrove jack „³ singular

    Bass and a Bream

    Saratoga ¡V bass

    Saratoga ¡V barramundi

    Bass - sleepy cod

    Sleepy cod ¡V saratoga

    Saratoga „³ singular

    Couple of bass or bream


    hope u undrstand

  2. #2

    Re: natives 4 tank

    umm is this a bounty situation? or are you asking if they're sutible to keep? in the configuration you proposed? more info might help

  3. #3

    Re: natives 4 tank

    soory bout that

    i mean like,
    have a barra with a saratoga
    or have a bream and a bass
    or sleepy cod and a saratoga
    or bass and a saratoga
    or just have a saratoga by its self

    stuff like that
    hope you understand

  4. #4

    Re: natives 4 tank

    the barra and saratoga wont be suitable but if u wanna keep a sleepy cod with him its fine. all u need is plenty of hiding places. i would also avoid bass and bream with the toga as well. cheers steve

  5. #5

    Re: natives 4 tank

    cheers mate

    but um is there any fish saratoga can go with

  6. #6

    Re: natives 4 tank

    yeh u can put youyr cod species in there ie. murray cod or sleepy cod. but if u want to put a saratoga in your tank u want to focus on that so u dont normally put other fish in there . but the best idea is to look through some books and experiment with fish. some fish have different personallities and may act differently to what they are said to do. cheers steve

  7. #7

    Re: natives 4 tank

    yeh i noticed that with 2 barra ive had one was kinda shyish and the other just ate what ever it could. and that 1 ended up eating the other

  8. #8

    Re: natives 4 tank

    yeh the same thing happened to me as well. so now ive only got one bara in one tank and its gettin huge. but its really tame now. cheers steve

  9. #9

    Re: natives 4 tank

    hey people

    if you want some natives there is a good pet shop called nerang pet barn in gold coast i got an archefish and a silver perch. theyve also got barra saratoga, mangrove jack, murray, cod, eel tail cat fish, other cat fish and they sometimes have golden perch.

    but you all already know so yeh i was pretty excited

    yeh it suck when you end up with only 1 barra it cut deep

  10. #10

    Re: natives 4 tank

    hey mate all those fish there are fine with each other apart from the jack and toga. the barra and cod will be fine but u have to remember what ever they can fit in there mouths they will eat. the jack and toga are highly agressive fish they might be alright with a sleepy cod. i have two 4ft tanks with native in them one has a barra a sooty grunter and a smalontail catfish. the other has a jack and i got a toga yesterday for the jack from work(i work at a big pet shop in brisbane so i get my fish cheap) i havnt put the toga in yet as it is a little bit to small at the moment so its in a 2ft till it gets about 8-10cm long. a jack and a toga would be the best match is you are looking at those fish but then they are highly priced fish but awsome fish to keep showy swimmers with great personalities. natives are great fish to keep and easy to look after aswell.

    cheers bowds

  11. #11

    Re: natives 4 tank

    i wouldnt put your jack and toga together at all the toga will end up smashin the jack. i tried that and the toga ended up smashin the jack against the glass until it died.

  12. #12

    Re: natives 4 tank

    the fishn store that used to be up on the sunshine coast (nicklin way area) thats long gone now used to have a toga in the front door area in a massive tank,,,,i can recall speaking to one of the sales guys and he said once they get to a certain size they become very territorial and kill anything that goes in the tank,,,dont know if this happens all the time but it may have something to do with size of fish vs size of tank,,,,
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  13. #13

    Re: natives 4 tank

    i had a barra and a silver perch and the perch beat my barra every 2secs and chased it aroudn the tank... the barra now is blind in 1 eye and has its own tank and is jst under 50cms and is growing wel

  14. #14

    Re: natives 4 tank


    troy ur barra is soft getting bached buy a silver perch

  15. #15
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: natives 4 tank

    sure is soft, that perch should have been a meal

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