I"ve got 3 -5 weight fly rod blanks 3 piece to build yet.Shoulb be awesome.
Especially at $30 each im8 graphite.
I"ve got 3 -5 weight fly rod blanks 3 piece to build yet.Shoulb be awesome.
Especially at $30 each im8 graphite.
you should definatly have a look at the samuari soo1x 7' or 6'6
A bit like asking a Toyota owner which is the best 4wd....
Seriously though, if chasing whiting is what you love most, go ahead and spend the $$$$, plenty of arguements for and against I suppose.
Firstly, I would disagree with anyone saying "just whiting", if that's your favourite species and it's what you love to do, spend the money to get the right rod for you... why not?? Sometimes it can be just as difficult to hook and land that elbow slapping whiting than a lot of other species.
Anyway here are my thoughts for your consideration.
I own and use snyderglass rods, I find them good general purpose rods, nothing wrong there.
I also build & use build Samurai & Hastings, two of my favourite brands... a little more expensive than snyder.
I would consider the more expensive blanks for their light weight and sensitivity. That's simply my opinion.
There are a few good outlets that sell many brands, it would certainly pay to go and have a play with what's on offer before deciding.
good luck with what ever you choose.
cheers roz.
I would buy a lamiglas straight from the shelf, why muck around getting a custom.Plenty of retailers in Australia.
im with sid i can not understand how and why people spend as much money as they do to catch a stinkin old bream id spend more money on a whiting outfit as they are better on the table
pulled out an old thread, its just like building a house, you can have a kitchen or you can have........ "A".......... kitchen, as for the rod, i went with Roz (thanks) and used a Hasting blank, works real well
now its time for a new one to be built.......anyone else want to tell me on how to spend MY $$$$$$$$
If you don't want an answer, don't ask the question I guess.
Have a chat with Simon at ozrods in Townsville or the boys at Tackle world Cairns ask them if they still have the rod I lent them.Pm me if you like.
Custom Rod Builders build what the customer wants. If he/she wants a custom whiting rod then why not. In S.A the get mega huge whiting. Why not have a rod designed specifically for them. I would go for a 7' blank, I would go a Hastings UR70UL or a United UR70XL. Both full graphite blanks and perfect for 1-3kg. Superlight weight. I use the UR70XL with a IPS seat set up when in South Australia and it is superb.
ther are lots of good blanks out, just as ther are lots of good rod builders. each has their own take on things, which is why they are custom rod builders. me i like everything hastings so far, but having said that i have 2 calstars to try out, 1 batsons blank. but thats just me , cheers guys ian