Hi Christine,
I am on my third Quinny. and could not be happier. This one is a 4.35 hornet decks and live wells and rod locker and side console. It has been through some rough water in the dams and Open broadwater with no problems. no sign of hulls cracking in any of my boats, i would recomend side console if money allows as it is far safer to handle a boat in a large chop and bad weather than holding a tiller .
You are more than welcome to try mine if you wish, at B.P. crab Eric and away you go. 50 hp yammy 4 banger is a beaut motor. Quintrex bolted the motor on and it is very hard to make it cavitate unless i have it trimed way up. I can make the boat slide sometimes as well with the trim,if needed.
Speed well i would like to go faster but only in the comps, keep it back on 5500rpm and the fuel gauge stays fairly well still. Go fo the new hull, the eclipse hull is 80mm wider at bottom and about 110mm wider at the top. As well as the way the bow slowly comes round to the point and i have enough room for the Foxtrot.
I am a happy quinny owner. No need to go 24volt bowmount either 12 is plenty.55lb.
Just by the way have you had any prices as yet ? Would be interested to know what they are worth as i might sell mine when 12 months is up.
Regards tony