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Thread: does any1 have a outboard motor thats UNDER 6hp???

  1. #1

    does any1 have a outboard motor thats UNDER 6hp???

    i really need a motor thats AT or UNDER 6 hp
    i have $200 to spend on 1
    plz help if ya can

  2. #2

    Re: does any1 have a outboard motor thats UNDER 6h

    Ive got an old 4hp Johno you can have,but the tank is stuffed.Motor runs well,though,$50,and its yours.

  3. #3

    Re: does any1 have a outboard motor thats UNDER 6h

    where do ya live..........and wat is wrong with the tank?????
    will i need a new 1?
    well write back

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