I have the original Tinka trailer under my Haines 16C from 1979. (She's 16 foot long)
She's seen better days with the back frame almost rusted out and the springs and hubs pretty much shot.
None of the bottom rollers really work although I have recently replaced the side boards and supports.
My question - Is it worthwhile doing up - is it better to buy a new one ($1600) - or is it better to buy another second hand one and do that up?
By doing up I mean cutting off the trailer at the frist cross section after it splits from the draw bar and welding a new frame up myself (this should be possible) to join to it.
I'd then have to replace all the rollers etc as well as get a new stud axle assembly and springs.
I have the time and help to do this but I'm interested to hear from others who may have encountered the same problem and were confronted with the same questions.
Which is really cost effective?
I probably wouldn't get it hot galvoed but would probably cold galvo it myself.
The other thing is I probably will be only keeping the boat for a maximum of 5 years.
(P.S. I think by law she's also meant to have trailer brakes but I have never worried about it - the whole package is very close to the 750kg limit)
Thanks in advance.