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Thread: Marine Radios

  1. #1

    Marine Radios

    I have a marine radio in my Savage 4.5mtr boat but as I predominantly fish in fresh water, have not really used it much.
    I am now going to start doing a bit of outside fishing and am having trouble locating info on procedures for using the radio.
    Stuff I need to know is - Do you need a license to operate (I'm in NSW)?
    Procedures for calling in/out. How do you identify yourself. What channels should you use.
    Maybe someone could suggest appropriate websites for this info.
    Any advice will be welcomed.

    ps. I will be fishing on the NSW south coast

  2. #2

    Re: Marine Radios

    Dino , you should be able to obtain this information from the transport authority in your state .
    In Queensland the transport department have a recreational boating handbook which gives some good outline to correct proceedures when operating radios.And outlines the different types of Radios for marine use .
    It is good practice to always use your radio to notify the VMR of your fishing intentions when traveling offshore .
    Standard call
    ;The name of the boat or group you are calling (VMR Coast Gaurd etc) 3 times
    ;This is
    ;Name of boat or call sign (Dino)3 times
    ;message (you want to log in your trip,weather report etc )
    VMR will then instruct a channel to go to .
    You will need to give number on board ,rego,intended trip to, time intended to return.
    Always log out when safely returned .
    And say thanks for the coverage ,these guys are volanteers .
    Can't help with licence advice but you radio should be registered with the Australian comunications authority .
    A bit of practice is all you realy need so don't be shy . Best to let the guys who might have to save you know you intentions.
    Cheers Kev .

  3. #3

    Re: Marine Radios

    Hi Dino
    as reelhard has stayed is the correct procedure the only thing to add to this is the channels most marine radio's run from 68 - 98 the emergency channel is 88 and the fisho's channel normally 91 and 94 but most V.M.R station monitor 88 and 91 in case but as reelhard stated Transport department or take a visited to you local V.M.R Coast Guard branch the guy's and ladies that run these place's are all to willing to help out any boatie in all aspects.


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