Anyone wish to comment on the pros and cons of hydraulic steering in particular the Hydrive bullhorn units?
Anyone wish to comment on the pros and cons of hydraulic steering in particular the Hydrive bullhorn units?
Banshee, dont know much about the Hydrive Bullhorn units, but as for hydrolic steering, it leaves the normal cable steering for dead, as far as effort & smoothness is concerned, no seized cables either. Only thing I suppose cable has over hyrdrolic is the ease of repair while on water. I don't reckon much could be done if you were to spring a leak in one of the hoses.
Don't like Bullhorns [smiley=thumbsdown.gif] probably because the whole lot has to move, which requires the lines to move as well and if one is using semi-rigid lines (as recommended) then it's really not the ideal setup as far as I'm concerned.
If one uses flexible tails (which aren't recommended anyway) then that also includes extra fittings/joins etc.
I don't think it would matter much if either steering type busted at sea, there's probably not a lot one could do in many cases except holla for assistance or have some pre-conceived aux steering arrangement [smiley=sneaky.gif].
Cheers, Kerry.
Bullhorns have too many moving parts for me ???
I use the system below Hynautic K6 ram (near bulletproof) limited moving parts and fully maintainable. A little extra but a much better unit
For rupturing a line you could carry a line joiner and a spare litre of oil (not too much to carry and enought to get you going)
Retired Honda Master Tech
Thanks for the feed back lads,Spaniard Kings set up looks nice and compact,bit more than I wanted to pay though,just for interest how far does that ram extend past center on full lock?
Hi Banshee,
Iv'e had a Hydrive bullhorn unit on my 5 mtr centre console for about a year, I couldn't be more happy. As for the hoses moving, well I dont see an issue in that. I installed the steering. The hose would have to be faulty or what, for any failure to occure. I also have installed a fork lift knob on the steering wheel so that I'm able to do quick turns. Makes cable steering feel like pulling up the anchor.
Thanks for that Rob,I have space restrictions so I think bullhorns are my only option,although Hydrive have just released a unit similar to Spaniards set up.I'm going up the coast tomorrow I'll check them out.