After years of my moaning and groaning to the authorities, we have recently had the entire northern boat ramp dug out and re-cemented plus non-slip grooves installed on the slopey bit. But the good news is that in a couple of weeks times, a brand new floating jetty is going in! This means that the days of the missus standing up to her neck in water in 25 knot winds whilst hanging onto the string will be gone! You will have two very wide lanes to launch and recover from and be able to simply walk your boat along the jetty and tie up whilst staying warm and dry. Likewise, Boaties can drive up to the jetty, tie up, bring the trailer down and simply either walk it up onto the trailer. The shallow waters of the Point will unfortunately reduce the effectiveness of the jetty from a maximum of some 10 - 12 boats at high tide to about 3 - 4 at low tide. Either way, the overall improvement will be huge and we will be the ONLY ramp in Moreton Bay to have this facility. The jetty is at the primary northern ramp adjacent to our Unit and not the ferry ramp to the south. Only those with a death wish use that one! Enjoy!