I thinking of getting a sounder/GPS combo that can do C-Maps (Hummingbird NS25). It will be mainly used around Brissy from the Gold Coast to Bribie. Are these maps detailed enough to be useful?
I thinking of getting a sounder/GPS combo that can do C-Maps (Hummingbird NS25). It will be mainly used around Brissy from the Gold Coast to Bribie. Are these maps detailed enough to be useful?
Gday Lordy
Most GPS companys use C-MAP with there units. Iam told these maps are to be used as navigational aid for ships and large craft whos purpose is navigate through cannels and stay in the deepest water that they require. This meaning that little detail is shown for a fishermans need. Garmin GPS use whats known as a Blue Chart which is data taken from the sunmaps you buy for certain areas as chart form. These maps are very detailed and show water depths from very shallow right out past the contenental shelf . Depths are shown very closely to each other not like C-MAP where depths are some distance from one depth reading to the other. I am told that all Resue planes,choppers and boats use Blue Map ( garmin ) because of the great detail shown. Thats my opinion anyway but go look yourself and you will see.
Cheers Greg
www.wickedfishing.com.au The place for wicked fish pics, articles and DVD's. Your ultimate reef fishing DVD "Double Island Point & Beyond" on sale now.
I would agree with reefmaster on the Garmin blue maps, Gunna be an essential weapon up here in the Barrier Reef marine park and many other areas shortly if you want to stay out of the green zones. I hear that Garmin have started working with GBRMPA to produce green zone mapping. May be worth waiting till they have the new maps with all the exclusion zones for the barrier reef, grey nurse shark, dugong protection areas and marine national parks on them. That way you will know where the 2 little squares that we are still allowed to fish are!
Regards Tony [smiley=dizzy.gif] [smiley=end.gif] [smiley=wut.gif]
So many variables with digital mapping but one of the best things to do is actually have the dealer show you YOUR area of interest on the plotter you intend to use it in.
Basically the base data of most recreational systems comes from the same source (under licence) as no company has the resources, time or $$'s to re-invent the wheel.
Cheers, Kerry.
I have just had my C-Map updated for $160 and it is really shit.Nothing for south of Woody Is Sandy Straights to Rainbow Beach, and nothing south of about 2klm south of the double uu's just out of Redland Bay to the Gold Coast,that is no nav markers.Does have depth contours land masses etc in areas.apparently the State Gov has something to do with sending imformation to C-Map for upgrading these maps.Moreton Bay has been good where I go.
Having a bit of a scan for northern waters look o'k but till I go there I won't really know.I'd look else where if I was you on what I've got.
Peter, it's only my opinion, but , mate, a gps/sounder combo ?
if one side of the unit dies you lost both. too much friggin around for me, menu's, pages, split screens etc etc.
Really have a good think about seperate units, and Yes Greg ( Reefmaster ) is on the money with Blue Chart.
And that's only my opinion !
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i'm with phill on the split screen thingy its hard enought to see a 6" screen let alone making it 3". as for bottom contours i use the sounder to get a proper idea of water depth. also the chart plotter is super for being able to retrace your steps, say thru a bar at night! and as for relying on the map data i don't know why you would want to! reefs you will get from mates and find yourself the cmap tends to make land masses and shallows a little larger then they r for safety sake but if you aren't navigating from waypoint to waypoint of mark that you put on the chart and know to be correct i would certainly be making sure its done in daylight- i "fly by wire" at night (i keep watch for vessels!) and i have never had a problem using my own waypoint which i gather during the day preferablily at low tide ie; i have the waypoints thru the rous channel so i dont have to be seeing a beacon with a busted light next to me in the cabin!
above all that i would make sure i was proficent at navigating with compass and charts first any how- i should know i won the bsfc "navigation" award 2003 - for great navigational ability under extreme circumstances!
ship shore, ship shape! damon!
hey Damon
We all use sounders to see water depths but being able to know and see all contours on the GPS makes things a hell of alot better. It saves time when sounding around and also makes it easier for navigating. You say (as for relying on the map data i don't know why you would want to! reefs you will get from mates and find yourself) Damon a few months ago we did a trip to the reefs out from Hinchinbrook Island. The reefs out there are huge and submerged. Without the Blue map we would have got lost its a maze and you can not see these reefs until your right on top and it can get very shallow instantly. A must have item when traveling those areas. Even in the bay its very handy to have. The Blue map is very accurate with all map details. what if your mates dont have any spots or you would like to find new fishing grounds. With the map we have found many new fishing spots. The map shows different depths and if there is a change from deep to shallow then back to deep most times reef will be in these areas. I can also measure from ramp to fishing spot to work out distance to travel and how much fuel is needed for a trip whilst sitting at home. I for one find them extremely handy and makes boating more safe and intresting. Not everyone has bsfc"navigation"award which i must congratulate you on.Top effort. I do agree with you on all other remarks and the plotter is one of the most handy things around for sure.
not trying to piss you off Damon with this post but the maps do make boating alot more safe and a good fishing item. For people like your self navigating a boat would be breeze but for others its a nightmere.
Cheers Greg
www.wickedfishing.com.au The place for wicked fish pics, articles and DVD's. Your ultimate reef fishing DVD "Double Island Point & Beyond" on sale now.
The BSFC Navigation Award is actually awarded to someone who needs to improve their navigation. Damon won this award for his effort in navigating his boat over the top of a rock wall at Iluka at low tide by following a track he made at high tide on his GPS (he actually got through OK!!).
I should know, I got the BSFC swimmming award for going over on Caloundra bar last new years eve!
All good fun
Brisbane Sportfishing Club
"The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
(Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)
Apathy is the enemy
Is that like a " Horses Arse " Trophy ?
I nabbed one of those with Victory Fishing Club a few years ago !
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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jeremy got a pair of "floaties" and i got a wooden paddle as trophies for our brilliance- dont know why i got it as i didn't hit anything its just that some ppl love to shiit me and i return service in a prompt and forcefull manner!
as for the very "plotter" relient "reefmaster" you look to have the same rig as me did you start navigating with or without a chartplotter gps???
orientation is the sixth sence either you got or you dont
go look at yourself you will see!![]()
the chartplotter was only purchased about 4 months ago thats why i stated that the charts are so good.have you used a GPS with Blue map chart? At the end of the day everyone is human and mistakes are made so if a map can reduce this then why not buy one and hey it does help with fishing new areas and grounds
www.wickedfishing.com.au The place for wicked fish pics, articles and DVD's. Your ultimate reef fishing DVD "Double Island Point & Beyond" on sale now.
so whats wrong with a admiralty chart, i still don't see your point i have a furuno 1650gps with cmap and i really only use it for 3 things
1- to stay on a course waypoint!to go to a spot for example(dont know why i'd want contours of somewhere i know better than a map because i have sounded the shiit out of it over 5years!)
2-mark bait schools when trolling pelargics- a pattern of movement becomes visible sometimes when baitschools are getting herded by dolphins.
3-drift direction, so i can put myself on a drift course in which i will pass over a particular "show"
if you where totally hell bent on have a accurate contour picture of the bottom you want the lowrance x19 sounder linked to the chart plotter and laptop which records the realtime depth as you pass over it on to your chart the more you go over an area the more "graphic" the 3d image becomes on the laptop with the contours recordable on the chartplotter (2d)
to me the garmin seems like a hyundai over a honda! my sounder cost me $2400 and my chartplotter cost $4200 both installed by johnny palermo-best price in brisbane at the time(it was 5years ago and they where the "cutting edge" at the time in electronics, they still work faultlessly and have done so over their entire service! if i where looking at a chartplotter it would be either furuno or lowrance(i have a soft spot for the japs over the yanks as they show us more "respect" trade wise in comparison to the usa! who like a "free trade economy" except when it comes to imports to their country,simple respect those that respect you!japs are getting bad now too!)
greg tell me thats a fine mullet you got there! where is that pond that you got him in as i love a shot at them on 1kg
and by the way i don't take anything said on computer serious even if some lawyer sees' potential in it! happy new year mate, damon
If you dont use the chart then why did you buy a GPS with one
Mate to be honest i really coundnt care less. Im a fisherman not a politition
we have different opinions so i will leave it at that![]()
The Creek is Hillards and it runs through beside a park next to Ormiston soft ball fields. You can walk up path that will take you to different parts of the creek
not sure of the road name. Its not my style of fishing but hey it killed sometime
Happy New Year to you too![]()
www.wickedfishing.com.au The place for wicked fish pics, articles and DVD's. Your ultimate reef fishing DVD "Double Island Point & Beyond" on sale now.