I recently got my VHF/HF licence after doing a 5 week course (5 nights @ about 2 hrs) through VMR Bundaberg. Cost $30 to VMR for the course (I thought of it as a worthy $30 donation rather than a cost) and $38.50 to Office of Maritime Communications (agent -Aust Maritime College). I found that VMR put a very easy and practical application to the theory of the operators manual. I actually enjoyed the 5 week course and the information provided.
Agreed, you may be able to operate a vhf radio without a licence but I feel the information gleened from doing the course certainly helps in its proficient and responsible use.
I havn't heard of the eventual scrapping of the licence but did hear that Australian Communications Authority may be handing the task of checking licences over to state Fisheries and Boating Patrol officers.
Try these websites for more info on the licence:
Trust the above helps.