Have a 130 yam, done 200hrs. Since the motor was purchase brand new, it has been serviced regularly by two southside yamaha dealers.
Have also had dramas with the heat sensors, once under warrently (they were replaced), the second time late last year . This too was supposely rectified by a Yamaha dealer.
Well last monday they went off again, but only when doing 4000rpm +, so crusised around on 3500rpm and no dramas.
So boat goes in wednesday differnet dealer again, some of the dramas they found were caused by sand in the water pump, but this was not the sole cause of the problems.
So they advanced to the thermosats, and it seems the guts had been pulled out of them, but by which of the two pervious yamaha dearlers i had used cannot be proven.
Now came the big dramas, they pulled the head off one side, to check further, and found the head ports were chock a block full of this gooey silicone type substance, which was blocking water flow and also effecting the sensors.
When asked how i flushed the motor out, told them with fresh water first through the self flushing system on these motors, then ran a quanity of Macks Flush through the ears, to finish off the flush, the flushing ran for some 15min plus.
they said they had never seen this stuff clogging the heads up before, and suggested it could be the macs flush reacting to the salt through the ports.
This substance is going to be 'Tested' to verifty if the Macks Flush has been causing all the dramas with the cooling system.
$1000 dollars later, and a container of gooey stuff, my rig is back.
Stay tuned if all these dramas have been caused by the Macks flush, if so and others are using it, what is it doing to your motors also.