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Thread: 1991 70 hp Yamaha. How much?

  1. #1

    1991 70 hp Yamaha. How much?

    How much should a 70 hp Yamaha 1991 be worth in good condition.

  2. #2

    Re: 1991 70 hp Yamaha. How much?

    $3,000 plus.

    "Trading post Melbourne"
    YAMAHA 1994 60HP Enduro, tiller control, s/steel prop, 1 owner, GC can test drive on boat, $3500 (03) 59866568, (0409)192770 Rosebud

  3. #3

    Re: 1991 70 hp Yamaha. How much?

    I wouldn't pay any more than half of what it costs for a new one.

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