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GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!! - Page 3
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Thread: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

  1. #31

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    I know this doesn't help after the event but in my younger days when I had a ski boat (before I realised boats were better used for fishing) I cooked a relatively new 200hp Mercury. Took it to my local mechanic and after a few investigative questions he put it down to environmental damage (ie. bag over the water intake). I had insurance (Club Marine) and they paid $3000 to repair. I was never so happy to have insurance in my life. I couldn't prove the plastic bag, but the mechanic just happened to be a Club Marine agent and he did all the paper work for me. Won't leave home without it.

    I know this doesn't help this time Michael, but next time...

  2. #32

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated!!!
    am trying to get to my mum's house cause im keen to start surgery!!!

    Ba229, that does make sence. I spoke to my marine studies teacher today about it in class, he described to us the possible reasons for this happening... mainly about the water pump. if the motor is not seized... is it likely the motor itself can be salvaged or to early to determine?

    Paz, the only other problems ive ever had with motor was my little z50 motorbike!! was ridin it around when all of a sudden the motor konked out. same story as this really. when i tried to start it back up, the motor would squeek just like this. still dunno what it was awwwwww MICK

    Prop Dinger, The motor is either 92 or 93!! it is a 9.9 HP Johnson... I am defineatly lookin to pullin it apart I'm like that!!! i will try these other things first tho! have you got one?

    Bungie, ill try get down there this week if prop dinger hasn't got one!

    Thanks kindly for your advice!

  3. #33

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    marty... no it doesn't

    first thing on my list to do when i decide what to with this engine!!
    thanks mate :

  4. #34

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    sorry micheal i couldnt find my manual anywhere it has been a few years since i needed it and a few moves
    sorry again


  5. #35
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    mich have a cruise around this site
    gives you a basic idea of how the 2 stroke motor works,,might be some other good reading there for you as well..

  6. #36
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    Good luck with this Mick. Reading all these posts kind of highlights how many great people are on this web site.

    Just gotta say this though...Mick, that is one ugly, ugly photo in your Avitar. I trust you don't normally look like that?

  7. #37

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    Drevil, i did after my motor died!!!

    righto, setup the motor with muffs and hose. pulled out the plugs, gave a little spray with inox.. only a little. tried to pull over.. no worries, and also plenty of compression. put plugs back in. pulled out the choke went to try and pull it over and the motor kicked over but then shut off pretty quickly... put the choke back in and tried to start it with the choke back in. no luck ay.....
    bdrdrdrd! bdrdrd!! bdrdrd!!!
    (by the way that's suppose to be the sound of the motor not starting )
    is that a good sign that it kicked over in the first place?

  8. #38

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    Hi Mike
    Things are looking good, BUT my advice would be, at this point dont try and start it, pull the head off the motor so you can check the condition of your cycinder surface (if it did sieze for a short time there may be some aliminium on the cycinder walls, if it started with that there you may do a lot more damage.) so at this point you may still need to strip the motor, maybe a new piston, I would put at least a set of rings in, maybe just a set of gaskets.
    keep the question coming

  9. #39

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    At least its not completely seized

  10. #40

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    Any updates?

    In the very least you'll have to check the water pump and more than likely replace it. Also give all of the electricals and wiring a good look over. Chances are some of it may have melted and be shorting out.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    i'd say it would need new rings at least,,if they had gotten red hot they would have gone soft and lost their tension..a good excuse to give the motor a freshen up and keep her goin for another 10 years...

  12. #42

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    How's the motor going mate?

    Did you look at it or get another one?

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