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GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!! - Page 2
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Thread: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

  1. #16

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    yeh yeh yeh! burley boy, fireman mick!!! I'm gonna cop it pretty bad rang the mechanic he said chances are that a bag has gone over the water intake, motor's heated right up! when the motor turns off, the intake propellor stops spinning and the bag just simply floats away! so ya wouldn't know what hit ya! either way the edgy won't be out for awhile ay!

    so what do i start savin up for!
    New car or New outboard???. New car or New outboard???
    New car or New outboard???. New car or New outboard???
    New car or New outboard???. New car or New outboard???
    New car or New outboard???. New car or New outboard???
    New car or New outboard???. New car or New outboard???


  2. #17

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    I've been in 2 boats over the years that have had a ' heating ' problem.

    Both went ' bang' and then died, smoked etc.

    I usually found the top of the piston attached to the spark plug !

    On the Skanky, I actually felt a bag hit the leg one time, and had the sense to stop and look at the tell tail, no water, stop boat, remove Coles bag from prop area, continue, thanking lucky stars !

    Good Luck, Mick.

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  3. #18

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    Yeah Mick when you get em that hot they are usually R rated.
    Do you have insurance at all.
    Give me a bell if you want to pull her down and have a look to see if it can be salvaged.
    Cheers Kev.

  4. #19

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    yeh phil, I'm usually right on to it with the tell tail, with constant checks! Not today > i didn't see anythin when i stopped!! I did however take this spark plugs out! were not attached to the piston, and therewas a bit of black stuffaround the edges... burnt!

    hey kev, would really appreciate that! I don't have the slightest idea what to do, i'd just end up handin overmore money to the mechanic for a motor that won't go again! I hassled mum about insurance for ages cause i didn't want it to get flogged off! don't think we ever got around to doing it though, she's gonna check when she gets home! ill talk to you about it this week,but could really use a little advice if you get a chance! thanks kev!!

  5. #20

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    I know it's rare but not all overheated motors are rooted. once knew a guy who cooked a car motor and i mean really cooked it. seized while going over 100km/h. funny enough when it cooled down and had water again it fired first go.

    if it was me i would pull it over with the plugs OUT. if you can't then it's a problem. if you can then put the plugs in and try it. doesn't cost anything and if its already f+%@#d then you aren't doing any real harm.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    yeh i'd investigate a little more to,,may not be buggered..try turnin her over,,pull the plugs,,,see if it is free,,put your finger over the plug hole and see if it has compression as you pull it over,,if it hasnt,,,easy to pull the head and have a gander..if she does,,then wack some plugs in it,,,and try and start it,,if it goes,,,have a listen,,any strange noises then i'd pull her right down,,rebuld time...
    paz actually thinking about what i said previously and due to past happenings on this board decided it best to be removed,,,and to make mental note to think b4 saying.... puting ones foot back in mouth now....

  7. #22

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    ok didn't really understand at first... i'm not very mechanically minded as you'll soon find out ! when i got it home i pulled the cord to see if it was gonna go or not. it didn't start but im pretty certain that i was able to pull the cord! it made a squeeking sound everytime i pulled it! so it seems to be free! when you say compression... should there be air being sucked through those holes when the motor is pulled over? i will have another look tomorrow after school cause im at my dad's. just don't really know what i'm lookin for! so take the plugs out, try and pull the motor over. feel the holes when i pull it to check for compression. anything else? if the motor does pull over, what would that indicate.... just that's it's not seized?

    why do you take the plugs out to pull it over in the first place, is that just simply so it doesn't start... or for another reason?

    sorry, just never had anyone to teach me about motors!
    cheers......motorless mick

  8. #23

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    hi Mick
    go to the libary and see if they have a workshop manual on your motor, might not help this time but it would be a good project to dismantle to learn a little more of the mechanics of an outboards, it be a good way to learn for the future, you will get more value out of it that way than the few dollars you will get for it on a sale

  9. #24

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    could not have thought of a better idea, i wonder if i can get a hold of one! thanks blaze, ill do just that!!!
    cheers mick

  10. #25

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    when a motor turns over and the piston is on its way up (ie going towards the plugs) it is COMPRESSING the fuel air mixture ready for the plug to fire and make the bang that runs the whole show.

    with the plugs out there is a way for the air to escape so there is no compression actually created.

    that means if the plugs are out it is easier to pull over. i hope that makes sense.

    so the reason for taking the plugs out is to see if the thing is seized or not in the first case. if you can crank it over then it isn't seized.

    Go and talk to the industrial arts teachers at school and see if they will explain to you the way a 2 stroke motor runs. they will have pictures in steps to show what is happening inside the motor. once you understand how it works it is all VERY easy.

    as blaze said this is a good chance to learn for the future. motor technology is not that hard to understand and is invaluable for when you want to fix your car, outboard, lawn mower, wiper sniper etc. they all work the same way except some are 2 stroke and some are 4 stroke.

    further more because you are learning something to do with real life and its for YOUR motor you will really learn quickly and have some fun along the way.

  11. #26

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    i should clarify the statement i said about all motors working the same way.

    i know the difference between 2 and 4 stroke guys so don't think i'm an idiot. what i meant was for an engine to run you need to mix fuel with air, compress it and light it using a spark plug (except for deisel just ignore this concept for now mick) after that you need to get rid of the exhaust gasses and do it all over again.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    blaze mate im not that much of a con artist,,so dont stress mate,,i wouldnt do it,,and yes,,like you said,,if someone was to sell something that was faulty then it should be stated b4 the sale the history of the item...(not that all sellers are that honest though)
    michael,,if your motor is making a squeeking noise as you pull it over then it sounds as if one of the pistons may have picked up on the bore,,do as blaze said and go get yaself a manual...try e-bay as well,,,always a heap there better way to learn than on your own motor...

  13. #28

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    how old is the motor i may have a manual at home somewhere


  14. #29

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!

    i thought about the squeak noise too. it could be that beacuse all the oil has been burnt that it just needs some lubrication (it will get this from the fuel mick). you could try squirting some fuel-oil mix into the cylinder when the plugs are out and see if this stops the squeaking.

    take it to reel hard. he has made a generous offer to look at it for you and no doubt he can teach you things easier than it is for us to tell you on the board.

  15. #30

    Re: GEESE!!! FarR harKkTT Motor MATE!!!


    Go to the Brisbane City Council Library site at

    Then do a search using "Johnson outboard" in the title.

    They have a few copy's around the different library's around town, pick one near you and go and photocopy the pages you want

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