Nope, I call it a ray. I've caught 'em twice that size but that one's my proudest catch......taken on a prawn on 5 kilo line :-).Originally Posted by BladeRunner
As for 'em not hurting a fly, you keep out of the way of that tail in a small boat and you certainly don't put your fingers anywhere near a mouth that can crush shellfish.
Pound for pound, I reckon a big shovelly can give a better fight that any shark I've encountered.......they just don't seem to know when they're beaten......*and* they taste better *and* they don't stink as much when you gut 'em :-)
I caught a small Mako of about 5 ft back in the UK about 20 yrs ago.........fantastic sight to see 'em leap.......hopefully, I'll see it happen again (here) one day.