We have divided the back of the boat into compartments. In the middle compartment we are fitting a 70l metal tank. Unfortunately its right over where we want to put our bilge pump. The bildge pump will be in a sump mounted into the floor, to catch water from waves and rain etc. Its not draining the under floor area which is going to be completely sealed from the floor areas for floatation reasons (and the fact we want it kept dry. If there is a spill of petrol it will end up in the bilge area, fumes + electrical spark etc. I'm sure lots of you will have faced the same situation. The questions are "do fuel/fuel tanks and bilge pumps mix" and "should we seal the fuel tank area off from the bilge". Any ideas or just what your boat has set up.
The missing floor piece will have the bilge built into it, and the floor piece will be glassed to the exisiting floor. The tank will sit on top of it.