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E-TEC or 4 Stroke !
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Thread: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Gaday all.
    Finally Bombardier has put out a brochur about the significate gains to be had buy chooseing an E-TEC over a 4 Stoke.
    Ive had lots of heresay arguments with the the 4's converts as to the economy of the E-Tec compared to the 4's and the environmental aspect of these engines (oil in the water )
    and the only thing i was able to say was , through friends in the boating industry both in manufaturing and retail side , and over the last couple years the print media.
    i was in volved with the testing of the first E-tec 90 Hp here on our shores and i was impressed to the point of waffleing on like some god botherer about the bible.
    and the of proof i have to back my waffleing was the guy from Bombardier telling me what these engines were capable of.
    Well last night my QFM mag turned up and there it is in the middle of the mag 9 pages of info about these top engines .
    includeing the Boat that i helped get ready for the water testing with Bombardier (Cast Away 2 , Galeforce 5.5 )
    if you haven't seen it yet grab a read and post your thoughts.
    Im sold to benifits the fuel saveings the weight factor and the performance.

    Cheers Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  2. #2

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Sounds like your a fan James.
    If they can market it as good as what they apear to be they are sure to get a share of the market.
    I will get the QFM today and have a read.
    Cheers Kev.

  3. #3

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    do you know if the E-TEC 2 stroke is cheaper than the 4 stroke, or what the price difference is?
    Thanks oscar.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    not shure on price but 90HP is about $12000 for E-TEC
    Merc 90HP 2 stroke is about $9500
    but when compeared to 4's i think it's pretty close.
    ok found prices of E-TEC's 40HP $7900. 50HP $9400. 75HP $11700. 90Hp $12800.
    but even if it was a $1000 more expensive for E-TEC you save more than that inthe 3 years because of lack of service costs.
    if your a troller the fuel saveings would also add up in time. ( eg in the 50HP range the E-TEC gets 39.9 miles per gallon, compeared to 11.9 miles per gallon for a yamaha 50 4's. )
    the only time some 4's get better fuel economy is at wot and then its only 0.1 of a mile per gallon .
    I'm waiting for the bigger Hp E-TEC's due here mid 2005 ( and smaller 1's as well, down to 9.9hp )

    Cheers Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  5. #5

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    I think it will be interesting to see how many of these engines make there first service of 3 years without a trip to the repair shop. I make no apoligies for coming to terms with new technology kicking and screaming, I have only just comes to terms with fuel injection on cars. The more advanced the technolgy goes the less the mr average can do to fix them, I know the comments of "they wont break down" but they all wear out and break down and if you think the cost of repair of your "old technoligy" is expensive wait till you try new technology
    Just how good are they

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Sep 2001

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud_9
    not shure on price but 90HP is about $12000 for E-TEC
    Merc 90HP 2 stroke is about $9500
    but when compeared to 4's i think it's pretty close.
    ok found prices of E-TEC's 40HP $7900. 50HP $9400. 75HP $11700. 90Hp $12800.
    but even if it was a $1000 more expensive for E-TEC you save more than that inthe 3 years because of lack of service costs.
    if your a troller the fuel saveings would also add up in time. ( eg in the 50HP range the E-TEC gets 39.9 miles per gallon, compeared to 11.9 miles per gallon for a yamaha 50 4's. )
    the only time some 4's get better fuel economy is at wot and then its only 0.1 of a mile per gallon .
    I'm waiting for the bigger Hp E-TEC's due here mid 2005 ( and smaller 1's as well, down to 9.9hp )

    Cheers Cloud 9

    i got quoted $8070 for a tohatsu 90 2-stroke.

    Do you know how much the first e-tech service costs? I heard talk of $1500.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    i herd the same but that said since found that its water pump fuel filters gear oils.
    i think its going to be more like $ 200--$300

    will be chewing the ear of the etec dealer down my way soon.

    Cheers Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    getting back to lordy's statement tahatsu for $8070.

    sorry to say that as good as they are there old technology ( except the fuel injected model ) haven't herd any reports.

    Cheers Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member boatboy50's Avatar
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Hey Guys,
    Have to agree with Blaze sorry. The new technology is great, but find it hard to believe in three years it wont make a trip to the mechanic, scheduled or not.
    The Tohatsu may be old technology, but its about $4800 difference, thats a hell of a lot of fuel or oil i have to say.
    Im a 4 stroke lover, but taking the ego part away, find it hard to justify the money.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    G'day All
    just playing devils advocate here
    3 years till first service
    warranty period 3years!

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    the warranty is non-declining too.
    so its not like merc's 2/3/4 warranty.
    it covers everything, if your going to spend the big bucks on 4's your not outlaying any more money are you.
    so saying you cant justify the cost is strange statement.
    i sold on these new engines, i do enough trips to warrant the expence, id save plenty on fuel and have extended range , but still keep the performance to get there before any 4 bangers left the ramp.

    Cheers Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  12. #12

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Well until there's the runs on the board, speculation is one of those things that only hindsight will show.

    Caught up in the middle of all this extended this and extended that are dealers and obviously the way of the dealer is going to be limited in the future.

    Once the gee whiz subsides and people actually start using them "in the real world" then one will se what one will see. Until that time sales talk is nothing more than sales talk

    Cheers, Kerry.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Sep 2001

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    I've been keeping an eye on the E-techs for a while. They appeal to me. I've only got two issues

    1) they cost as much as a 4 stroke
    2) they are unproven

    Together that's a pretty big question mark. If they were priced 1/2 way between 2 and 4 strokes then I think thats an attractive price range. Better economy/cleaner than a 2 stroke, better performance/less price than a 4 stroke. Still unproven but at a price it might be worth taking the risk. That would make them quite attractive. If people are going to spend 4 stroke money they will probably lean towards getting the proven 4 stroke.

    All this might change in 3 or so years when they come back for their services. If they are in top condition then charging 4 stroke type money in the future won't be a problem. It just seems a little high risk/low reward at present.

  14. #14

    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Its a big call for a manufacturer to invest so much of its development resource into what is being veiwed by the consumer as an old style engine tarted up with some fancy technology, brazen claims and a marketing hype to sell the thing at the top of the market.
    With the dramas that Bombadier have had in the past and the damage that was caused from the fallout, one would be thinking this will make em or break em. As everyone seems to be saying time will be the teller of all.
    And I guess I am saying the same.
    The only down side I can see at this stage is the resale and trying to sell a second hand 2 stroke at a 4 stroke rate?
    As for performance it depends on weather you want a race boat or a fishing boat.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member phewy's Avatar
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    Re: E-TEC or 4 Stroke !

    Reel Hard wrote
    As for performance it depends on weather you want a race boat or a fishing boat.
    My thoughts exactly Kev [smiley=cool4.gif]
    Cheers - Paul

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