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Thread: plywood floors

  1. #1

    plywood floors

    G'day chaps
    Can any one tell me what they painted their plywood floors with before the carpet is fitted.
    cheers Tim

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: plywood floors

    Hi Tim,
    Just replaced the floor in my Quintrex Explorer, instead of buying marine Ply I went for exterior Ply (12mm) and painted it with fibreglass resin. Just have to wait and see how it goes!
    Cheers Richo

  3. #3

    Re: plywood floors

    Here is a way I read about but have yet to try. Thin some laminating polyester resin (unwaxed) out with acetone either 50/50 or 3:1, place ply sheet in the sun until hot, bring into shade then quickly pour and paint the mix on.
    This is supposed to suck twice as much of the mixture in like "daggers into the wood cells" (their words not mine) then recoat once again with normal polyester resin within 9 hours. Shouldnt be any moisture getting in after that I would guess.nq

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