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Boat names - Page 4
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Thread: Boat names

  1. #46

    Re: Boat names

    pretty tough coming up with a boat name at times, but as i said eaarlier in this post we need to be aware that when a call on the radio goes out for help (heaven forbid, we all hope its never) that the name is easy to understand and its not mistaken for a crank type call, because at times, seconds can mean every thing

  2. #47

    Re: Boat names

    My cousin named his "Pist'n Broke" and his old mans is Dam Easy.
    When the wife said i could get a lab i think she meant a dog.

    LABSPORT XT 200H.O. etec

  3. #48

    Re: Boat names

    My all time favourite is from one of the lads on here. "Dances with Flathead"

  4. #49

    Re: Boat names

    My boat was called Ikan Ferry.. Think the name had something to do with carting lost souls across the river Hades to hell... (Didnt like the name, but it came with it), was always going to rename that to "Go Kiwi", wanted to log on in the bay and have VMR call me up 3 times on the initial contact, "Go Kiwi Go Kiwi Go Kiwi", anyway had to many problems with the motor so I got rid of it.
    Looked forward to hearing that call when the Warriors and All Blacks were playing...
    No comments please about last nights game [smiley=bigcry.gif]

  5. #50

    Re: Boat names

    Geez I wonder who that is.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  6. #51

    Re: Boat names

    I swear im gonna pinch that name of you one day Dale, my luck you thought of it first.

  7. #52

    Re: Boat names

    My next boat will be called "Billable Hours" but I will need to do a few of those before that happens



  8. #53
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Boat names

    Mine is 'FELIX' because it is a cat.

  9. #54

    Re: Boat names

    Love some of he names I've read here!!

    My little tinny was called the Conference Room, and an earlier one The Floating Fart.

    Current one is obviously Moondancer (cos I love Van the Man's moondancer with the right lady!!)

    Need to get ausfish to do some stickers for me - thanks to this thread I will get A into Gear and do it!!


  10. #55

    Re: Boat names

    My boat is called Odyssea (yes spelt with an 'a' at the end = sea). I was going to name it 'Yellow Peril' as it is a very yellow 15 ft CC, but I was a bit concerned about any racist connotations it might have. Often wish I had gone with my first thoughts on that.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Boat names

    My mate Fred called his Kelarcat "Freds Pussy"

  12. #57
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Boat names

    HI Boatboy50, Darren i see you have a Hydrofeild Jag 18. I have the same i named mine HydroMajestic . I have just bought the bigger 6.6 cabin model named it HydroMajestic Too. Selling the 18 after i finish fitting out 6.6. Great boats . Cheers Charlie.

  13. #58

    Re: Boat names

    Heard a great name an the VHF on the weekend, it was FAR CALL. Made me giggle when I heard the call on the radio.
    Make something Idiot proof and they make better Idiots

  14. #59

    Re: Boat names

    mines fish n chicks

  15. #60

    Re: Boat names

    my dad and i call our boat "encounter" when we bought the boat it had "encounter" written on the side. not sure if that has anything to do with the type of baot but we refer to the boat as "encounter". hopefully i can encounter a few good fish out in it one day. the name "not telling" would make for an interesting conversation.

    cheers phil
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

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