This is part 4 of the series.....
Along the way with this great Bearing discusion, a couple of people have mentioned submersing the trailer, and how this can damage the bearings because of the heat change sucking in the water.
Others have said that they dunk because they have to as the trailer is just not in enough to retrieve the boat.
I am a dunker.... But this has got me thinking,,,, if the main dunking problem is with heat during launching, and the main dunking requirement is due to retrieving,,,, then why not combine the 2 for the best advantage [smiley=idea.gif]
Why not launch without dunking. Stop reversing just before the hubs go under. That way you will not have the heat problem sucking water in. And when you come to retrieve, dunk as usual and this should not have any impact on the bearings as the hubs will be cold at that time.
What I have noticed is that launching just does not need the same water depth as retrieving does. I had just never considered altering what I do at launch compared to retrieve.
Is this one of those simple solutions that is under our nose and just gets missed?
So,,, what do you all think?
By the way, about a month ago I took out all my centre rollers and greased the shafts and the inside of the rubber. The difference is absolutely amazing. Previously I had to use a fair bit of grunt to push the boat off the trailer till it was about half in. (less for steep ramps) Now, All I have to do is give it an initial push to break inertia, and then it just slides all the way off with no assistance. If anyone has any problems with getting a boat on or off, grease the centre rollers. It really makes a huge difference.
So, what do you think?