I definately would not be walking away let them know this is not an option,this is your boat and you have a contract,they would be sweating on you backing off or walking away they would have another dealer ready to take that boat now.
I definately would not be walking away let them know this is not an option,this is your boat and you have a contract,they would be sweating on you backing off or walking away they would have another dealer ready to take that boat now.
I know if you buy a Cruise Craft here, it comes on a Dunbier Trailer. No matter what, or when the boat was built, it is not your fault that the trailer isn't compatable to the weight. If the dealer stuffed up, which is what it sounds like, then they wear the extra costs, if Cruise Craft stuffed up, (which I doubt it, as all dealers have different agreements with trailers, same as they do outboard makes), then Cruise Craft should be picking up the bill.
There is no way that this should be coming out of your pocket, as you agreed on a price and a supposedly legal package, no extra costs should be coming from you.
I agree with Banshee, the deal is done, this is your boat, you shouldn't have to wait for another from another dealer, but if all turns to custard, and they won't come to the party, then I would tell them to stick it and go somewhere else. Not only for dollars, but the principle behind it.
Interested to see how things go,
i think i have made up my mind to walk away from cruise craft as i had a look of a quote wynnun marine gave me on the 20/5/05 and they quoted on a standard redco trailer priced at 4800.00.
so how do you work that one out as they are cruise craft and the boat was 2005 model.
where out of the blue does all this extra money come from.
i will not comment on this post again as i do not wish to give any business a bad name.
thanks to all of you .
troy..your original psot said the trailer was 4200 and now it is 4800..how many quotes did u get from the one dealer or are they quotes from different dealers.
That's your choice Troy,I would have held them to the original quote regardless of what ever trailer it came on(same Make),taken it to the weigh bridge and if the weights didn't come in as legal it would have gone straight back for the problem to be rectified at their expense.
You did the right thing Troy. Sounds like a ploy to get you to sign for the boat and then hit you with the costs later. Also as mentioned by others what will their after market service be like. Don't walk away from Cruise Craft boats because of one bad dealer. Keep looking, you will get what you want in the end.
One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
Thomas Sowell
Yeah, whats the go here Troy, are you saying that you are walking away from Cruise Craft boats because of this one dealer. If so, I'm very disapointed.
Please let us know, what are your thougts.
pinhead .they are two different quotes.
Corry the last thing i ever wanted to do was walk away from cruise craft especially when delivery was so close..
now i am not saying for one second that cruise craft is the best boat on the market but it was the boat i wanted.
i even travelled down to brisbane that is how much effort i put into the research.But now Corry i do not see any other way for me to go as i originally got a quote from wynnun marine and it also was priced on the standard trailer.
now that only leaves me with 2 dealers in the state.
if from the beginning i was told the trailer was going to cost 7200.00 then it would not have been an issue as i would have budgeted different but at the last moment you are told you have to pay another 3000.00 well for me it is to hard and i do not have the money anyway.
Certainly a very unprofessional situation. Troy keep an eye out for a good near new used one they will come up, after 6 months even a new boat feels used anyway, pocket the savings. Just a thought.
Someone might buy one on 25year hire purchase and fire sale for half price after 6 months to get out of it.nq
Troy it must be very frustrating for you to feel like this but you need to stick to your guns.It is very simple - if the spec changed after the quote then CC should foot the bill for the difference.If it was before the quote date then it is the dealers problem.If at any point after the quote was given you have changed the deal or requested extra options then obviously the price would change.BUT a quote is a quote and is a legal document.They can not sell you an unroadworthy trailer as (I would assume) the deal included registrations.Would they not have to get a weighbridge ticket for the whole bmt package for said registration? ???
As others have said take your case to the accc or fair trading and they will resolve it unless the dealer wants to be on current affair or similar
Stand your ground and get the boat you have ordered and been hanging for,dont let them get away with making you pay for their stuff up. >
Anyone on this site that works for themselves or does quotes will tell you - if you forget something when quoting then BAD LUCK ,if the client moves the goalposts as it were then thats another matter
good luck with it ,please let us know the outcome either way.
cheers jon
i got my 625 explorer from tweed coast one of the reason i went with them is that all of there 625 packages have had brakeaway brakes as standard. for atleast 9months now. they realized that they had a duite of care in regards to supplying a product that would comply with state towing regs once it was fitted out.
i am very happy with the service i have had from both
cruise craft and tweed coast marine.
what does static mean.
i had a look at the weight of the explorer and it reads- weight bmt [static-150 hp]2196 kgs
Family man
i signed the contract on the 7 /6/05 and cruise craft sent the e mail to the dealer on the 14/7/05 well after they started on building the boat.
You have done the right thing. The cash is in YOUR pocket & there are plenty more boats out there. It is not like the world is running out of fibreglass or outboard motors or trailers.![]()
Ya should be able to pick up a used LEGAL rig, put on state of the
art electronics & still have heaps left over.
ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................