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Stessl gone bust? - Page 3
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Thread: Stessl gone bust?

  1. #31
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    I know I haven't posted for a while, but I have been lurking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burley_Boy
    Sounds to me like the're screwing everyone involved including the new "owners" ............... it sounds shonky to the rest of us.
    Just my opinion though

    Sorry to say ...they did go bust! To the tune $2 MIL! Left a lot of people...suppliers and former employees hanging out to dry!

    The name Stessl, and all the designs, jigs and machinery was purchased from the recievers by the guy that built my boat, Brumb's Welding and Fabrication. He has bought it in collaboration with a trailer manufacturer, but I'm not sure which one.

    I have spoken to him over the last couple of days as he is doing some work on my boat, and the issue of warranty on Stessl boats has copped a mention. His purchase of Stessl holds no obligation for him to warrant any Stessl/Clark hulls he didn't build!

    BUT ...He will not be turning everyone away. He will access each claim on it's merits and try and help if possible!

    I have also heard mention that Tim Stessl will still honour the warranties on their old hulls! But I have no way of confirming that.

    I hope this helps to alleviate any stresses Stessl owners may have been feeling.

  2. #32
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    double post

  3. #33

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    The customers are the lifeblood of the operation so I understand why they would offer this sort of comfort or else the new operations would not be touched with a 10foot pole.
    The suppliers have been burnt and are cheaper to replace than the customers.
    I agree with DR that Phoenix could be a new brandname for them to push as they have certainly built the foundation for it.

    If I was the new owner I would bury the name under a pile of s*&$* and use the plans and machinery to rebrand with a clean slate.
    Hope he didn't pay much for the name as it sounds more like a liability, dropped by suppliers, dealers and customers alike.

  4. #34

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    i am sorry to hear about your ET. i all so have a ET 475 and love it.
    it a bit strange stessl gone bust when in the fishing monthly KAREE MARINE are still have adds for them try giving them a call on 38751600
    they helped me out once.

  5. #35

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    Quote Originally Posted by wheezer
    my local shop said as a gesture of goodwill they will foot the repair bill this time, but after that, too bad. Not too happy considering boat is so new
    Regardless of who has gone broke the Dealer who sold you the boat is liable to honour the statutory or offered warranty , whichever is the greater.

    Remember that you didn't buy the boat from Stessel so you have no contract with them you DID buy it from the dealer and therefore DO have a contract which MUST be honoured.

    If Stessl has gone bad the dealer will not be able to recover his expenses to effect the repair......bad luck, thats business and the risk a dealer takes.

    If you want some more info write a post on the website.

    I agree with the oter poster and seek info from Fair Trading Dept. I would suggest that you do not mention that Stessl have gone broke , the only thing you are concerned with is that the dealer will not honour the warranty he offered.

    We all hav statutory rights and these cannot be changed even if we sign a contract with different conditions.

  6. #36

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    Quote Originally Posted by basserman
    as mike said above the warrinty for the hull would be from stessle as the warrinty for the motor would be through that maker
    however if the boat was sold as a BMT package then the dealer should be the one that chases up the people to repaire the goods how ever as in this case he can't do much if the company has gone down the drain and can't fix or pay for the goods to be fixed
    as for hull still being sold well alf like all other boat companiys would have the boats sold to dealers as they don't consing them so the dealers would be in the same boat so to say as the boat owners after all after this gets out who will want to buy a boat that has no warinty
    Sorry mate the warranty , by law , is the responsibility of the retailer...full stop. Many dealers try to pass the buck back to the manufacturer but what they are doing is against the law. It is up to the dealer to fight the manufacturer to recover his repair expenses. Many manufacturers do make good warranty repairs and reimburse the retailer or they just do the repair themselves so the dealer doesnt load up the warranty backcharge.
    Seek advice from Fair Trading and do not asume you do mot have any rights. Remember there are statutory rights and laws to protest us from ourselves.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    reply post about this topic on another website

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    Interesting that tim stessl joined up & replied on that other site, but could not be bothered coming here to defend his product.
    is it a bream thing??

  9. #39

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    Tim has started another company - I think it is Makocraft. As per the Marine Business mag it says Alf is there in an R&D role!!

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member JB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    Anybody in thier right mind after reading all of this wouldn't touch one of those new makocrafts with a bloody barge pole. Sounds like a good solid reliable company.. NOT


  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Stessl gone bust?

    Gotta agree JB - I bought a Stessl 5 months ago and while I have had no probs the 3 year hull warranty was one of the things that closed the deal. 5 months ago Alf and tim would probably have had an idea of what they were planning I reckon and to continue to sell boats in that situation is just plain dodgy.

    How anyone could seriously consider buying a makocraft given the history of stessl is beyond me. >

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