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New Boatie Questions
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Thread: New Boatie Questions

  1. #1

    New Boatie Questions

    G'day gents/ladies,
    I have only just stumbled across your great site and I have been obsessed with it whilst on night shift, I thought the more experienced boaties ou there might be able to help me with a few questions?...

    1. I have recently purchased an alyycraft 4.1 rhino with a 40hp yamaha 2 stroke which hasn't seen the water yet and I was very happy with it until a gentleman at the chandlery shop commented that the engine would be too heavy for the boat and although it is under the max h.p. rating, it would sit with it's arse in the water, if this is the case, is there anything I can do to help this? I contemplated a fuel tank up the front, but I don't think I can get the standard tank under the front seat??

    2. Do you think that I will be able to tow a skiier behind the boat? With such a decent engine for a boat that size - should I change the prop from the standard?

    3. I am having problems with the stickers, I had some aftermarket marine stickers put on and they are bubbling, is there anyway to stop this and how do you remove the stickers if I can't fix it without scraping the paint of the side??

    I realise there are a few questions here - being relatively new to the boating scene, I am full of them at the moment and I would really appreciate some help, Thanks fellas

  2. #2

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    the bubling under the stickers can be caused by a couple of things
    1 - they were put on before the paint cured and while the paint cured gas/chemicals leach out of the paint to the surface and are captured under the sticker.
    2 - they were aplied poorly and the edges sealed before the iner section of sticker adhered properly.
    3- remove with a hot air gun/hair dryer, just warm up and peel away. The residue glue can be removed with a citris based cleaner.
    4- check the compliance plate for max weight as well as max hp
    5- I have a tiller steer that has an 18hp merc and sometimes thats leathal.
    is your boat tiller?

  3. #3

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    Yeah 40hp tiller, you thoughts on this size engine?, is there any way to salvage these stickers?

  4. #4

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    Blaze, how do you mean your 18hp can be lethal? Someone told me that it was too much engine for the boat? what does that mean? does that just mean that the arse sits too low on the water? The max weight is 110 kg, whereas the 40hp only weighs 84kg i think..

  5. #5

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    With the 18hp on my 4.1 brooker it can be a little hairy at times in a bit of chop (boat and motor over 20 years old). When its nice and calm it seams too slow but if it chops up I need to throttle off to keep good control, seems to what to float around in the front.
    If you are in the specs for the boat and keep the revs off when needed it woulnd be to much drama, just got to remember to slow down when needed.
    I would think if your stickers look so bad with the bubbles they prbable need to be removed. Sometimes small bubbles will eventually disapate or you could prick them with a pin and try and work the air out.
    Put a couple of nice AUSFISH stickers on the sides, see add on LHS of this page

  6. #6

    Re: New Boatie Questions


    I have been running a 40hp 2 Stroke tiller steer on a 420 dory for about three years. I find it to be a good combination.

    I originally tried the boat with a 30hp which was lighter of course, but i thought it was too lacking in torque and under an agreement with the dealer swapped it after a week. The 40hp has a lot more torque and will comfortably pull a surf board, ski biscuit or knee board but i think it would struggle to pull an adult on skis.

    Dont worry about it sitting too low at the back. I often have two adults on the rear thwart, two full full tanks behind and it sits ok. With all the weight up the back it can sit a little low at the transom so if sitting around drifting with swell and chop i get one person to sit on the front seat which fixes it. I have been running a foil on the boat which i think helps keep the bum up, especially at lower revs if you end up having a lot of weight in the back.

    Sounds like a great boat, get out on the water and i know you will find it great.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member JB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    I wouldnt be worrying about it too much mate, the more hp the better! You have to be careful about who you listen to, that chanderly bloke might be just some ######## that dont know squat, make sure you get a second and third opinon from others before worrying yourself silly about it. 4.1 with 40 2stroke sounds pretty normal to me.


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    I would not consider a 40 to be too big for a 4.1 ...i know many a people with a 40 on a boat that size and smaller and have no issues.
    You would find it an issue if you were offshore fishing , or fishing in heavy chop at anchor with the waves coming towards your transom would get a bit of water over ...i do , but thats what the bilge is there to take back out ....just a matter of weight distribution .

    I would not want to loose power with worrying about a littloe water over the transom ...but personal decision , if you are up for short rruns and want all the comfort , go the 30 ./...if you want a bit more tripping and couldn't care less about a bit of water, go the 40

  9. #9

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    I use to pull my brother in law up on ski's with my 4.2 tinny with a 40. It wasn't the greatest but it did it. And mostly we had a fat time.
    Wake board was not a problem at all.
    Just watch where you tie the rope to. Make sure it is a solid point.

  10. #10

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    New Fisher,

    A number of years ago I had the 4.1m Ally Craft Topender. Same hull as the Rhino, just painted up with rail, floor, and a few other nice bits & pieces. I had a 30hp 2 stroke which performed really well. Though on a couple of trips when loaded up with camping and fishing gear it wouldn't plane. Yep, too many beers on board.

    I reckon the 40 would be ideal. Get it on the water and try it out for yourself


  11. #11

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    I have a 4.4 Jabiru - Savage. 40hp Johno tiller steer. Bloody beautiful!


  12. #12

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    Na 40hp would be no worries at all on a 410.Thinkin of buyin somethin along those lines myself at the moment, so if ne one has one they want to get rid of!!.Just get out n give her a strap. trim it properly n you'll be laughin, Can't see why you could pull a set of double skis out of the water with it. I ski behind a 455 coastrunner with a 50 on single so shouldnt have a drama. Cheers

  13. #13

    Re: New Boatie Questions

    my mate had a polly 4.1 with a friggin 50hp 4st
    wouldn't worrie one little bit

    i have a 385 with a 25hp but would love to get a 30hp on it but i'm able to tow the ski bisket around no probs

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