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Thread: For the ETEC boys

  1. #1

    For the ETEC boys

    Just need to make one that runs on saltwater

  2. #2

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    I would settle for one that runs on fresh water

    Military are gonna luv them


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    My ETEC cost hardly anything to run at the moment.

    Can you slip down to the barracks at bulimba and get military fuel. Is it cheaper than 115c/ltr

    cheers steven


  4. #4

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    Hi steven
    they will welcome you at the barricks with open arms and a hail of bullets (gotta love target practice) LOL

  5. #5

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    So what we are generally saying is that there is a problem with the E-Tec & that you are owners of the beasts so this is first hand info.
    I am glad that I purchased the 90 JohnSu 4St. No dramas yet.
    And as for the boys in camo on the duck, from their gear they are probably a US Marine Recon Unit so ya will have to go a bit further than Bulimba Barracks.
    ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................


  6. #6

    Re: For the ETEC boys


    No no dramas with the engine. love it. Will post a report in the near future. Waiting to do 1000nm, almost there.

    Cheers Steven


  7. #7

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    150 hours on mine (in 8 months ) and absolutely no problems whatsoever.

    Great engines....

  8. #8

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    Haven't heard any bad reports about ETECs yet either. Just interested to know how they run them on all those fuels - what technology

    Luv my new donk more though

  9. #9

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    hey Greg have you done any water tests yet with the new donk mate ???

    she sure looks good on the back of the sporty
    hope she serves you well


  10. #10

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    howd she go greg

    i saw ya goin up the passage but didnt see you come back.

    lol lol

  11. #11

    Re: For the ETEC boys

    Scott - lol yeah she went well for the first run. Went up to Caloundra for a bit of a burl. Got a bit worried about all these strange noises I kept hearing while idling through the skids - Turned out they were birds whistling - Just never heard anything like that with the Yammie 2 stroke

    All up I did 55nm and topped up with 40lts - gotta be happy with that for a new engine.

    Bring on the Spannos



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