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Thread: which petrol for 2 stroke?

  1. #1

    which petrol for 2 stroke?

    I got my boat today and was told to use premium unleaded instead of unleaded. anyone have any idea why and is this fact?

  2. #2

    Re: which petrol for 2 stroke?

    Hi Daniel,

    I would be looking up the manufacturers specs on the motor or if possible calling them.

    For those guys on here with more technical knowledge it would probably be helpfull to know the make, year model, hp etc of the motor.



  3. #3

    Re: which petrol for 2 stroke?


    more info mate . What brand and how big . Had a recent talk with the Yamaha service reps . They say use regular unleaded from a high volume outlet so its fresh . Most premium fuels contain additives which can have the effect of attracting moisture into the fuel and their advice was not to use it .


  4. #4

    Re: which petrol for 2 stroke?

    yes mines a yamaha 75 . good idea might ring them up tomorrow .just the bloke i bought the boat off ,said the last service he did ,the mechanic said to use premium unleaded as there was bits (cant remember what) in the injectors or valves or something . but some dude working in the fishn shop said it was from the oil that was used.
    different answers to the same question...very confusing. it went well today on my first short trip.but iam gonna service it next week, to get the green light.


  5. #5

    Re: which petrol for 2 stroke?


    If you want the right advice then ring the Yamaha srevice reps at Yamaha in Brisbane and ask . Helpful guys should put your mind at ease . Number should be in the book .


  6. #6

    Re: which petrol for 2 stroke?

    Doesn't it annoy you that the people that sel
    l the motors can't tell you with a positive answer?

    Imagine buying a car and being told that it is one thing or another etc etc

    Time for us to start buying motors that the dealers actually know something about i reckon

  7. #7

    Re: which petrol for 2 stroke?


    The owners manual will state the fuel recommendations for your engine, if you can find it. This will be stated in octane rating.

    No outboard manufacture currently requires premium in their engines.

    One thing I have found is that the use of standard unleaded with ethanol makes life difficult for your mechanic. For eg. if you need a carby clean, once the carbies are dissasembled all of the o-rings will have swollen up making them unuseable. They will shrink again but it takes a couple of days.

    As far as I know Premium does not contain ethanol.



    Retired Honda Master Tech

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