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Ramp rage
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Thread: Ramp rage

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Ramp rage

    Have got the boat ready for an early start.Got to the boat ramp and here was a skulling skif (the ones with about 6 or 8 rowers)across the 4 lanes of the ramp.I approached the rowers and asked if they could move the skiff off 1 lane so I coulddrop the boat in.The reply was wait your turn,not the answer I was after.Being early in the morning ,and me being a bit tired igave them 2 choices,before reversing the boat down very quickly.They opted for one of the choices and moved.(maybe it was the spare prop I had in the boat changed their mind.Has anyone had this problem before?

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member scuttlebutt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Ramp rage

    Mate, not worth getting upset about and spoiling your day over. I try to avoid weekends (I know it's not possible for everyone) and usually go fishing during the week.

    At least it's not as bad as one poor guy I saw at Yorkeys knob a couple weeks back. He was reversing his boat down the ramp with a couple of mates sitting in it and then all of a sudden it slid off the trailer, with the transom landing noisily on the ramp, about three metres from the water. A fair bit of swearing followed. Luckily I was already in the water (and there looked like enough guys on the ramp to deal with it).

    Unfortunately ramp delays are just a fact of life - don't let them ruin any more of your day than they have to.



  3. #3

    Re: Ramp rage

    I still get annoyed with the people that get on the ramp and fluff around with tie down straps, bungs, motor supports, unloading gear from the car to boat etc etc

    No matter how hard I try it annoys me.....


  4. #4

    Re: Ramp rage

    I'm with you DNO.

    The hookup this year was a classic at the Boyne ramp. So many people wanted to hook up all their straps etc at the ramp instead of moving off to the car park and finishing the job.

    Also say it the other weekend down at the Gladstone VMR ramp. Me thinks they need a bigger car park down there. To many people parking on the road and blocking the traffic. I would love to take a video down to the VMR ramp some weekends and make a new tv show, when Ramp Rage Attacks.

    Corry I bet you have seen and heard a few arguments at the VMR ramp in your time.

    I love the sound of reels screaming in the morning

  5. #5

    Re: Ramp rage

    Then there is the bloke who beaches his boat closest the ramp at the busy time. You are forced to beach beside him as others join the line of boats forming beside the ramp.
    Common sense would say to the first bloke, pull your finger out and get your boat on the trailer so others don't have to try to pull their boat around you.
    Well yesterday this 'first bloke' was still mucking around in his boat by the time I and others had gotten car and trailer to the top of the ramp. Should I wait for him and annoy others on the ramp or back on down and float my boat around the ditherer and get the hell out of there. Well I back on down and upto my neck in water drag my tinnie ,around the larger and prettier boat ,on the trailer and out of the warzone.
    Why is it that some people cannot see that there needs to be some kind of effort made to get your car, get your boat and get out of there in a timely fashion. Congratulations if your boat is adjacent the ramp with easy access for your trailer but remember there are others who need you to move so they too can have a fair go.
    You just gotta love Sundays with good weather.
    Regards Cameron.

  6. #6

    Re: Ramp rage

    life's too short to be getting uptight and into arguments , specially at Boatramps on a Sunday or whenever cause ones in a hurry.
    Practice a little patience and amazing the rewards it brings ya along the way ..
    Otherwise get a shift job and you can have the Boatramp all to yourself during the weedays..
    Heading out after everyones all gone home leaving all the possies vacant aint a bad idea either....

  7. #7

    Re: Ramp rage

    Cameron, Sounds like Jacobs wells.
    Guys launch their boats,then instead of moving ,say 20 metres up the beach, they have their deckie wait with the boat, right alongside the boat ramp.

    When you then launch, you have to , as you said, get up to your neck in water,to get around the back of them.

    Doesnt make any sense .

  8. #8

    Re: Ramp rage

    Quote Originally Posted by cam
    Then there is the bloke who beaches his boat closest the ramp at the busy time. You are forced to beach beside him as others join the line of boats forming beside the ramp.
    Common sense would say to the first bloke, pull your finger out and get your boat on the trailer so others don't have to try to pull their boat around you.
    Well yesterday this 'first bloke' was still mucking around in his boat by the time I and others had gotten car and trailer to the top of the ramp. Should I wait for him and annoy others on the ramp or back on down and float my boat around the ditherer and get the hell out of there. Well I back on down and upto my neck in water drag my tinnie ,around the larger and prettier boat ,on the trailer and out of the warzone.
    Why is it that some people cannot see that there needs to be some kind of effort made to get your car, get your boat and get out of there in a timely fashion. Congratulations if your boat is adjacent the ramp with easy access for your trailer but remember there are others who need you to move so they too can have a fair go.
    You just gotta love Sundays with good weather.
    Regards Cameron.
    Doesn't sound like that big a deal to me mate. So he is taking his time. He might have been a bit more considerate a beached it a bit further away, but really ain't a biggie is it? Just start the OB again and drive it around him.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Ramp rage

    Thanks for all your replies.Im with everone else,Get every thing prepaired in the parking area and then get in get out .Just one more thing,at my ramp they have a tap close by.Very bad idea ,as lots of people hose theie boat out on a ramp lanewhile other people are waiting. patience,patience,patience.and a word of advice

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Ramp rage


    I was at cabbage tree last Saturday when retrieving my boat i was the only one on the ramp and was closest to the beach side on the ramp and I just finished winding my boat on the trailer when to my amazement This friggin idiot was trying to reverse his car between me and the edge of the ramp there was no room whatsoever .This guy had the whole ramp (5 lanes or so) at 9 oclock in the morning and had 3 kids with him all aged between 9 - 14 years old so he had all the help in the world.Mind you he needed it .Sometimes I wonder where these people come from???


  11. #11
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Ramp rage - Whats the best story you have!

    Its simple - just ask them to please move along and make some room for everyone else.

    I would be really surprised if they refused. Anyway read this and you will laugh about holding people up on the ramp!

    You all think thats bad - try this ...............last week as I jumped out of the car to put the boat on the trailer, my elbow brushed the the pushdown lock on the drivers side and the central locking clsed and locked all doors. I put the boat on the trailer and then tried to get back into the car ...................Sh&t Sh7T and double sh&t. So the car is running parked on the ramp with the boat on and I had to get friends to run me home, break into my own house to get spare keys and then leg it back to the ramp.

    My wife had to explain to all the other punters what had happened and divert people to another ramp. All the people at the ramp laughed when I got back - in pretty good spirits about it all. Just lucky it wasnt at Buddina at peak hour.

    So with that little story and the moral that it can happen to anyone - lets hear the funniest stories or mini tragedies you have experienced on the boat ramp.

    Here is the best one I have - years ago after an afternoon fish / night fish at Ulladulla, we came back in backed the car down the ramp, tide low, ramp wet, (and covered in slime as we later found out) and started to winch the haines onto the car and the car moved.!!!! with handbrake on and car in gear - the whole lot started to slide into the drink. The ramp which was quite steep had 45 degree channels cut into it sloping down towards the water. The treads on the car tires bit into the channels and the whole lot slid quietly into the drink and there was nothing we could do about it. Hard to stop a couple of tonne of brand new WB Statesman sliding into the briney. Funny looking at car with headlights on shining underwater and then everything shorting out.

    We had to get a crane to come down and pull the whole lot out by attaching a chain to the back of the trailer as everything turned around when in the drink - that was after we got the boat off.

    Anwyay - it was a great story and we had many scotches that night and ended up laughing about it.



  12. #12

    Re: Ramp rage

    Hi im one off those guys that use 2 lanes at the boat ramp. Now when some one comes over and says something like can i move over all i say to them is if you can help me get my wife into the boat as she is in a wheelchair and you know i have never had any one say no thay all help me. and if im in the boat by my self i only use one ramp. Just try to remmeber some people need more room at the ramp. I need to turn the boat on it side for her to get into and out off i have a small track jack witch i pump up and down. all this is done be for we get to the ramp as even we try to get in and out as quick as we can but it can take time sometimes.

  13. #13

    Re: Ramp rage

    Hi this is my boat if you see me at the ramp the wheellchair wont be to far away.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Ramp rage

    i dont understand why it takes people so long
    we have a 6.2 super v 2 of us go out usually one person gets the trailer 1 person drives the boat on no trouble alot quicke the most other people way i see it is first with ther trailer there goes first and no probs if people want to race back to the ramp with the 200hp pushing 45 knots no prob quicker when we get the right prop

  15. #15

    Re: Ramp rage

    Against my better judgement and in search of one last barra before the season closes, I ventured to the Bohle on a WEEKEND. Combination of a major river system (which is a noted big barra haunt)just out of Townsville, coral reef closure and the last weekend before season closes and good weather made for one very busy day on the water.I arrived at 10am and there were about 30 trailers there already. By afternoon you almost had to take a ticket and wait in line just to fish the mouth.
    The Bohle for some reason only has a single lane ramp. To my pleasant surprise though when it came time to pull up stumps around 9pm, everything was quite orderly and there were no probs. I wholeheartedly agree with rigging up and tieing down away from the ramp. It just makes sense. Seriously though if you lose your temper at the ramp be aware that it takes all types in the world and you come across most of them while fishing. All about tolerance.
    The mullet

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