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Thread: electric motor help

  1. #1

    electric motor help

    hello fellow fishers
    ive recently purchased a 12ft clark cutter with a 15hp. i'm really keen to get an electric too increase my fishing options. i'm looking at getting a second hander to start off with, but im hung up on weather to get a bow or transom mount. any advice would be greatly apreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: electric motor help

    transom mount is cheaper but is harder to steer with and also fish from as your fishing from the back of the boat with the frount in the air although you can normaly convert transom to bow mount

    bowmounts cost more but are more effecint and easyer to use
    great for use with a casting platform on the bow but once again cost is alot more

    so both have a few pros and cons but either way a great bit of kit
    it will mainly come down to how much you can spend and what you intended uses of it will be

  3. #3

    Re: electric motor help

    i mainly want an electric to fish with soft plastics in the rivers and canals

    about using a transom as a bow mount, do you need to turn the head or something like that

  4. #4

    Re: electric motor help

    yeh there is a screw just below the top (head) you undo and rotaite 180*

  5. #5

    Re: electric motor help

    thanks i'm looking into it for a cheaper alternative

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