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Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed - Page 2
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Thread: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

  1. #16
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Quote Originally Posted by finding_time

    Shane J the moral crusader that's a fairly sanctimonious post shane. >

    Its a damm shame isn't it?
    The shame is that YOU dont have the experiance I have in cases like this! I have been involved in the running of public forums, I have been in court for threads like the ones that were removed and I have been fined!
    Now if you cant understand that, you have no place making your pety little comments!

  2. #17

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Just calling it as i see it mate. I'm still shaking my head at the (ashamed to place ausfish stickers on my boat comment) This was one thread in thousands and you judge the whole site by it.

    Merry Christmas


    Ps. i glad you know more than anyone else! Its nice to see someone getting a head in life
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  3. #18

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Please don't let this string head down the same track as between Shane and L Marine, surely we can get along without the independant ribbing.

    Isn't there enough in-fighting down Sydney way make us get along?

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Well said Mark...we gotta look out for eachother...not pull eachother to peices

    Cause i think that's what fishing is about to...nothin' wrong with a bit of friendly banter and ribbing but we can all do without the destructive stuff hey...



    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

  5. #20

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Agree with Revs, nothing wrong with friendly banter, as long as ppl dont insult each other and get personal.

    So Shane, tell us more about this court case. What type of chatroom and legal case was it? The mind boggles at the possibilities after reading your profile and checking your AIM call sign......GirlJuicesRock??

    Seriously tho, I am very interested in learning more about chatrooms and legalities, its a minor hobby of mine, although Im no expert.

    I would have thought youd only get fined for a criminal conviction, and most threads are more likely to be a civil action, libel or slander, if anything. What were you fined for?

  6. #21
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    I will post limited details here but if you want the full story you can contact me directly.
    The forum I set-up was a public resource for Automotive Modifications. I was asked by a group of people to set this up and run it for them.
    The forum was running for a period of time before a thread was created about a automotive workshop. The thread creator had the workshop in question do a complete performance build of his engine. The engine was completed and all was fine until the invoice was given. The thread creator then wanted his engine back without the work that was done. Needless to say he wasn't going to get it back without handing over money.
    This person on the forum made out that the workshop had ripped him off. None of the true facts were given and the thread then continued on with anyone and everyone bagging the workshop.
    Sound familiar?
    Anyway, I who had nothing to do with the forum(apart from hosting it and setting it up) or the people on it ended up being dragged into the Brisbane courts! Why? Because I was seen as being the only damm reason that the whole shit fight happened! Again why??? You tell me! Ask them fools in that big building down in Canberra!

  7. #22

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Quote Originally Posted by gogecko
    Agree with Revs, nothing wrong with friendly banter, as long as ppl dont insult each other and get personal.

    So Shane, tell us more about this court case. What type of chatroom and legal case was it? The mind boggles at the possibilities after reading your profile and checking your AIM call sign......GirlJuicesRock??

    Seriously tho, I am very interested in learning more about chatrooms and legalities, its a minor hobby of mine, although Im no expert.

    I would have thought youd only get fined for a criminal conviction, and most threads are more likely to be a civil action, libel or slander, if anything. What were you fined for?
    Your comment is a bit contradictory isn't it?
    Gold Coast

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    I move "everyone take a step back,drink a beer,and put it all in the ol memory banks"
    Anyone second that???????

  9. #24

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Good on you Shane for expanding on that. I am of the opinion that posters on a forum need to remember they are legally responsible for their comments. Most of us forget that if our hosts are hit with a court order to supply our IP and contact details, then the host has to oblige. So does our ISP, and most of us forget that.

    Yes, Heath, I suppose it could be taken that way, but it wasnt intended. I was more curious about the handle than anything. I would never stoop to intentionally insulting a fellow member, so I hope it wasnt seen that way.

    cheers, jimbab, I'll second that. I was more interested in the legal incident. I think Shane can see that from my comments (I hope). I'll shut up now or this thread will get locked too.


  10. #25

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneJ
    I was one to ask for the threads to be removed!
    I only received my Ausfish stickers a few days ago, and there was no way I was going to put them on my boat while those two threads were viewable to the public. It was embarrassing and shameful the way some people were acting, and I don't want to be seen as part of it!
    Not one bit of factual information was supplied in either thread, yet some people were to happy to take sides and bag one or the other!
    Shane i bow to your experience on these matters but don't you think a better post than the inflamitory one above would have been.......

    I rang steve and suggested he remove the thread as i had been i a similar position as a site owner and a situation very similar to this blew up in my face and i wound up in court!

    Now doesn't that sound a whole lot better than the above attempt to shame a lot of posters on this site which quite frankly is none of you bees wax

    Ian ps. have those stickers gone on the boat yet as there is nothing wrong with being a ausfisher!
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  11. #26
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Quote Originally Posted by finding_time
    [quote author=ShaneJ link=1134467019/0#6 date=1134472866]I was one to ask for the threads to be removed!
    I only received my Ausfish stickers a few days ago, and there was no way I was going to put them on my boat while those two threads were viewable to the public. It was embarrassing and shameful the way some people were acting, and I don't want to be seen as part of it!
    Not one bit of factual information was supplied in either thread, yet some people were to happy to take sides and bag one or the other!
    Shane i bow to your experience on these matters but don't you think a better post than the inflamitory one above would have been.......

    I rang steve and suggested he remove the thread as i had been i a similar position as a site owner and a situation very similar to this blew up in my face and i wound up in court!

    Now doesn't that sound a whole lot better than the above attempt to shame a lot of posters on this site which quite frankly is none of you bees wax

    Ian ps. have those stickers gone on the boat yet as there is nothing wrong with being a ausfisher![/quote]

    My post was not any attempt at all to shame any member on this forum!
    And the reason I mentioned the stickers is because I dont want to be pointed out as one of the people in that thread! In other words I dont want to be accused of something I wasn't part of!
    I'm sure this is understandable?

  12. #27
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Hi Shane
    Thanks for telling us about your case
    Sure gives us all something to think about

    Seasons greetings to all

  13. #28

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    Careful fellas or I will have to remove my stickers

    Now I have seen just about everything.

  14. #29
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    cooloola cove

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    jimjamb states&lt;I move "everyone take a step back,drink a beer,and put it all in the ol memory banks"
    Anyone second that??????? &gt;
    2nd that,wot sort of beer u got jj?

  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Shame L#@!$%# Marine Posts were removed

    musta worked,all settled.kissed and made up!!!!!!!!!!!!
    XXXXgold.. You everytime!!! [smiley=argue.gif] [smiley=iloveyou.gif] [smiley=laola.gif] [smiley=laola.gif]

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