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Thread: Modifications to make it more seaworthy??

  1. #1

    Re: Modifications to make it more seaworthy??

    how about makin the boat longer.. se pic....L@@K how bouyant the boat is after the mod. Wish I had done this to my old VC


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  2. #2

    Modifications to make it more seaworthy??

    Just curious what modifications may be done to smaller boats to improve their sea keeping (keeping it out) ability?

    I like the dodgers and canvas spray pannels in the front rails to help keep water from washing over the bow. What else does one do to a 4-5m "skiff"?? Any pictures appreciated. #Are most of these boats self bailing?

    How do you set up electronics? Are there any legal requirements for electronics on small boats there?
    I keep a ditch bag with plb (pocket epirb), handheld vhf and gps in addition to what's mounted on the console.. Arlon

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