G'day Guys
First of all let me say that this is one of the best boating sites I have looked at, and that I consider there is a wealth of experience, talent and advice that boating people can tap into when an issue arises. Having said that, can I ask for advice/comment on the following issue
At the weekend I noticed some some slight movement in the transom of my fibreglass boat when swivelling the Merc 85hp up and down (non hyd tilt). I had some other boating enthusiasts look at the issue and the majority thought it highlighted a problem (probably some wood rot beneath the fibreglass) and that two options were open (a) have it repaired (b) buy a new boat. Option (b) is not possible at present.
Have any of you experienced the same issue and what other options were available. Someone else suggested bolting 3mm aluminium plates either side of the transon and installing stainless steel brackets from transon back to other side of transom well.
Could a boat repairer investigate the depth of the problem just by tapping the transom or other means?
Any idea on costs of having transom replaced if required.
I would appreciate any advice or suggestions you can give.
Regards - Jim