Originally Posted by Mantaray
well i find it totally amazing that some have been using the incorrect filter even though this has been a well known thing for quite some time. just goes to show how much experience really means especially when it's used to try and take people down. for the manufacturers to wake up and start producing petrol suitable elements for these filters has only been in recent times. before that they were simply being used in a totally incorrect environment in a outboard application and what's more many obviously never realised this.
now it doesn't matter how much fuel anybody has been able to shove through a filter as if the manufacturer specifices 45 litres an hour then this is what the filter is rated for and why anybody would want to use a 45 litre/hour filter on an outboard is still beyond me, regardless of so called experience.
if one is pushing 90 litres an hour through a 45 litre an hour rated filter then something it simply outside specifications and you do this at your own risk. but then to attempt to override the manufacturers specifications is sheer inexperience, you simply don't do that.
as for glass water trap bowls this is why they make alloy/metal bowls and it really should not be all that difficult to understand why especially in a marine situation.
the question still stands "why would anybody want to use a CAV on an outboard"
price should be the least of the considerations as why use any filter that can not technically handle a outboard properly?