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Thread: Dominator Cats

  1. #76

    Re: Dominator Cats

    hey willog
    Don't be sorry mate because now your comparing a 7000 to a 4900.
    I know just how forgiving your 7m is but that wasn't the question that was asked.
    Mabee the little roll over thing confused you but i was trying to make a point.In this Case it was a driver error.
    Its hard to sum up all makes , models , and behaviours in just a few lines but just for the record i spend about 9 hrs a day in boats unfortunately not always on the water but when it is ,its not for the faint hearted.
    Sounds like you are the proud owner of a 7m. well if thats the case you are the envy of most!
    But to sum up willog a well built cat will beat the best mono any day but a bad one will scar you for life!

    Cheer's Payney

  2. #77

    Re: Dominator Cats

    Don't know how much time you've spent in one on the 7ms but I'd say not much.
    I've spent a fair bit of time at sea in one and would say the turning is prett well trim-INSENSITIVE.
    I'm the first to say the turning is not the number 1,2 or 3 best thing about the hull but they do do it and do it easily.
    Notice there is a 7m owner on here earlier and would love to hear his opinion.

    That would be me.
    Trimmed in or trimmed out, still turns much the same, but as ive mentioned this trait means little to me....foxy

  3. #78

    Re: Dominator Cats

    Good to read some pertinate comments.Personally i recon the dominator 7m is so much better than a 2400 kevlar cat.I guess the extra metre helps.. and the way they turn and ride.Hope not to be disapointed after a longer evuation of the Dominator.
    Andrew, sorry mate wasnt havin a go at you over the english lesson.was referin to other posts...

  4. #79

    Re: Dominator Cats

    One of these days when I get some spare time it looks like we might have to sit down and a real good talk about cats as lots of people wouldn't know bee from a bulls foot about them. Way too many looks like they been reading way too many boat books. KL

  5. #80

    Re: Dominator Cats


  6. #81

    Re: Dominator Cats

    G'Day 88fishframe
    I’m very impressed with your NQ Cat.
    Any chance of getting the details of it eg: length, HP, approx cost etc (where could I find a 2nd hand one).
    Cheers btsah

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