you can keep your optimaxs and your etecs hondas etc. This has to be the way of the future with the rising cost of fuel . For sale in the qld version of the trading post. How fast would you have to row to troll?
you can keep your optimaxs and your etecs hondas etc. This has to be the way of the future with the rising cost of fuel . For sale in the qld version of the trading post. How fast would you have to row to troll?
Your crew are going to be all strokers
Aarrrgghh ,hows about some plunderin' an' pillagin'
cheers jon
8 metres long $12000.
The goodship ausfish perhaps Imagine the looks on peoples faces if you turned up at a profesional bream tournament in this Aarrrgghh
Hey Allex,
ya fuel bill maybe low but I can't see how ya missus is gunna row that boat too far for ya and do you really think she can row fast enough to get to trolling speed
Retired Honda Master Tech
I would rather pay for fuel, the missus wont let me get a canoe as she knows I will only put a electric on it
I think the XXXX for the crew might cost more than fuel
An early model Seafarer Viking?
Good luck,