Gidday All,
I am considering a new trailer for a 5.4m bow-rider, but not sure what would be an approx fair price for a new unit.
Can anyone give me some guidelines?
Gidday All,
I am considering a new trailer for a 5.4m bow-rider, but not sure what would be an approx fair price for a new unit.
Can anyone give me some guidelines?
Mate - probably somewhere around $2000 (or a bit over) for a good one - I think my Oceanic for a 4.1 Poly was around $1500. Can get them for a bit over $1000 or an individually designed and crafted aluminium one for 5 or 6K.
Same old same old, you get what you pay for (on a good day)
Have a look at this URL:
The article is called something like "What the Dealer Meant to Tell You About 5.0 Metre Boat Trailers, But Forgot"
Also you could search a string like "best boat trailer" on Australian Google. Or do a Search on this site.
Just been through this process and ordered a Redco for a 4.5 m glass boat $2300 Reg on road inc spare and carrier manual overide brakes
I would think you would be over 750 kg ATM so you would also need brakes, the brocure i have doesn't show a trailer long enough for your boat.
Here are a couple of links that might help
Here is a thread link from Ausfish
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><
Hi Lindsay,
Depending on the weight of your boat the price could be considerably higher. (i.e over $3k) for a suitable trailer
eg the Trailer for my 5.3m Poly bowrider is a heavy duty RM trailer with brakes and uses far heavier (larger) steel than you would normally use in a trailer for a tinny
I paid 2500 for a multi rollered 5.1 the avereage price was 3000
hope this helps
ive just ordered a new boat 4.5m tinny with a braked trailer
The trailer cost $1700
a mate of mine is looking for a new trailer for his boat and can't find a
reasonable secondhand one, so thought, get a price on a new one
$12000 ( is a 28ft bayliner though - fully loaded at about 3.5 ton)
still hoping for a decent second hand one to appear
Was very interested in this subject and was wondering the same thing. What I dont know is how to get the boat from one trailer to the other. What are some of the ways to do this?
A mate of mine simply dropped his boat on some tyres and then winched it on to the other trailer. Easy with a breaking trailer or do it with the trailer unhitched if not.
If that worries you and the old trailer is still operative, then take two trailers to the water
Recently got quotes for a braked trailer to suit a 4.7 glass boat - ranged from $2230 to $3600 for a Dunbier.As a result I am refurbing the old one.
I have a 17ft trailer for sale, as new - only 10 months old! Fully galvanised frame, springs, axle, hubs, etc with brakes, lights, powder coated wheels & rego, and has only travelled 30klms..... Has had a 5.05 plate aluminium cuddy cab on it, and is rated up to 1000kg.
Anyone interested????? PM me.......