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My Trailer Re Gal
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Thread: My Trailer Re Gal

  1. #1

    My Trailer Re Gal

    Seeing I have no real reason to go fishing ATM (see Ciguatera post), I decided it was a good time to do some serious work on the trailer. Note this trailer is just 3 years old and has been cared for each time it has been used.

    I managed to borrow a trailer to store my boat on until mine is fixed

    We stripped the whole subframe assembly, brackets, bolts, rollers etc. All of the bolts that are used in adjusting the brackets and frame came undone with a bit of persuasion but the bolts holding the springs and shackles had to be undone as much as possible then the nut was cut off with a grinding wheel It was not possible to get these undone using a rattle gun or large sockets and spanners.

    After we removed the sub frame I decided that the main frame did not warrant re galvanizing at this time but just a bit of cleaning and cold galvanizing.

    I spent 3 hours yesterday afternoon on a 4 inch grinder using a grinding whell / sanding disc and wire wheel removing all scale from the subframe and brackets ready for re galvanizing. This is imperative when getting something re galvanized. When the frame getts stripped it will not remove rust scale. It is not possible to determin the condition of the inside of the frame so I will have to hope it's not to bad

    what I did notice is that the rust seems to form under the gal so when you start to see it, it's more likely to be in a bad way.

    Unfortunately the guy taking the frame for re galvanizing came early this morning so I did not get a pick of the prepared parts before they left

    The guy I am using is a sole operator who does this all the time so If anyone would like his number PM me. He can pick up anywhere from currumbin to the galvanizing plant in Brissy.

    I will keep adding to this post as I go and will form a comment on the quality of reglavanizing when it's finnished.


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  2. #2

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    second pic.. you can see the rust forming on the lower sections of the sub frame

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #3

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    Easy to see where you dunk too Gary.
    She'll be better then new soon.
    Waiting to see your opinion of the galvanising. I need a couple of things done as well.
    Gees, you must have got crook. There's coffee buckets on the guard, not stubbies
    Have you ever given the electric pillar box in the background a scare??
    Cheers Scott

  4. #4

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    Hi Scott,

    yeah, I have given it a rub with 4wd tyres a few times but only a rub. Dunkin is sort of a must when ya need it in so far to get her off the trailer

    I dont really come close to it until I take a second bite at straightening the trailer up to fit it down the side of the house.


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  5. #5

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    what did he charge you to re gal the trailer
    was it a set price or per kg?
    you can PM me if you prefer


  6. #6

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    Hi Daniel,

    It takes 10 working days(apparently there is quite a backlog)

    I should have it back some time this week..I will let you know


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    I just had a new winchpole gal'd last week and picked up thurs,they told me the min price from last mon is now $88 Nomore doubledipping trailers/max width is 1300mm,price was $0.99 per kilo dunno know what it is now but was told it was cheaper to build in stainless-bit late for me as I'd already built my tinny/mbike trailer.The Foreman said head office had increased the price 4fold
    apparently because of the price of zinc.if you can afford it you can send your trailer to Newcastle(doent even want to know how much)so if you are looking at getting a new trailer do it NOW before the price goes up.
    This is NSW doent know whether these blokes own all the plants in QLD as well

  8. #8

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    Garry it might pay to coat it with some Septone chassis black, available at most good paint stores.
    I have just done this with an old trailer I am fixing up but did not bother to regalvanise.
    It is black bituman type paint not to thick. It takes about 24hrs to dry and will provide the trailer with another layer of protection and make it last much longer needing less maintanence.
    The trailer will have a black chassis.

  9. #9

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    How did it come up Gary?

  10. #10

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    Put the trailer back together yesterday, took the whole day too

    I re galled the sub frame and 52 other peices (brackets and posts etc)

    Cost of stripping and regal was $300
    New lights $100
    Bolts $90
    brake cable $15

    Once I had assembled the trailer I then sprayed it with Tectryl, I had seen this on another trailer and it looked like new after 2 years work. After doing it I am convinced that it is the GO

    If I ever buy another new trailer it;s going to get the treatment before it goes anywhere near the water


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  11. #11

    Re: My Trailer Re Gal

    WOW that's a pretty good price consider the price scares ... mind you it does not cover the extensive costs to strip and rebuild etc but very encouraging for the rest of us to try a regal. as some stage. Mine is only 1 year old so no regal. yet but where did you source your Tectyl from. Supercheap don't sell it anymore and Valvalene Brisbane said they don't make it anymore. I wanted some for my trailer as the Septone wax I used dries nicely but is still a bit too fragile (comes off too easy) so I wanted to try Tectyl.
    Cheers and TIA

    How is the family doing now re:Ciguatera ? Best wished and good luck with the "Trailer therapy" cure for Ciguatera poisoning

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