Seeing I have no real reason to go fishing ATM (see Ciguatera post), I decided it was a good time to do some serious work on the trailer. Note this trailer is just 3 years old and has been cared for each time it has been used.
I managed to borrow a trailer to store my boat on until mine is fixed
We stripped the whole subframe assembly, brackets, bolts, rollers etc. All of the bolts that are used in adjusting the brackets and frame came undone with a bit of persuasion but the bolts holding the springs and shackles had to be undone as much as possible then the nut was cut off with a grinding wheelIt was not possible to get these undone using a rattle gun or large sockets and spanners.
After we removed the sub frame I decided that the main frame did not warrant re galvanizing at this time but just a bit of cleaning and cold galvanizing.
I spent 3 hours yesterday afternoon on a 4 inch grinder using a grinding whell / sanding disc and wire wheel removing all scale from the subframe and brackets ready for re galvanizing. This is imperative when getting something re galvanized. When the frame getts stripped it will not remove rust scale. It is not possible to determin the condition of the inside of the frame so I will have to hope it's not to bad
what I did notice is that the rust seems to form under the gal so when you start to see it, it's more likely to be in a bad way.
Unfortunately the guy taking the frame for re galvanizing came early this morning so I did not get a pick of the prepared parts before they left
The guy I am using is a sole operator who does this all the time so If anyone would like his number PM me. He can pick up anywhere from currumbin to the galvanizing plant in Brissy.
I will keep adding to this post as I go and will form a comment on the quality of reglavanizing when it's finnished.