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Cyclone Boats
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Thread: Cyclone Boats

  1. #1

    Cyclone Boats

    Hi guys,
    I am looking at getting a 540 or 640 side console Cyclone Boat mainly for reef / shoal fishing off townsville. Ihave contacted the builder and have all the info from them. But i really want to hear about the opinions of cyclone owners (i notice there are a few on here? and anyone else who has been in one, etc.

    like fuel econ, speed, ride in like 15knots or so, etc

    there are hardly any reviews on the web from independant sources, so any reviews by people on this site would be great.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    G'day Jimmy I own a 540 side console and I'm very happy with it. If you can afford the 680 get it especially if most of your work is offshore. The 540 handles really well for it's size outside and is a very safe boat I try to use mine in under 10knts mostly mainly for comfort but 15 is not a problem for it and I have been caught in some very ugly stuff and always felt confident in the way the boat handled. The side console can feel a bit light in the front going head on into the sea I have overcome this by adding trim tabs to keep the nose down and working, these also have the bonus of leveling the load of the boat out. In 15 knots the boat will still comfortably travel at about 35klms but you will get a bit of spray as in any open boat but a lot better than most. The boats have the ability to travel very fast in rough water if you are brave . Fuel economy is quite good on mine it's powered by a 90hp carby merc and it burns approx 60ltr for a 5hr/hour metre trip to the reef. If I had the choice I would fit a 115 opti or etec definatly if thinking 4/stroke 115 only because the boat can easily cope with the speed and at a general cruising speed the fuel economy would be even better. I also improved storage space by building glass compartments in the front of the boat gave me a lot more dry storage and kept things of the deck. Overall it does everything I want it to and dosn't cost me a fortune to run. If you want to go fast ofshore in any conditions get the 680 but the 540 is a great little boat build quality is excellent and have not had any problems with mine. hope this helps. A couple of photos of my set up.Any specific questions give me a pm for ph. no. take you for a run if you can get up to Cairns. Andrew.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Feb 2005

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Addition to front.

  4. #4

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    PM Craigie - hes got one

  5. #5

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Yeah i can't PM Cragie until i have reached 10 posts!!!

    Can someone bring this thread to his attention!!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Hey Jimmy,

    About 12 months ago I bought a 540 centre console, and have'nt looked back.
    For my money the cyclone is great compromise boat. It is very very capable rough water fishing boat, and a pretty handy ski/family boat.

    If I had to pick things I didnt like I could only really think of 2.

    1. In my experience they seem to be quite sensitive to load distribution. This is not a big drama, but I think trim tabs would make the world of difference.

    2. Because of the fairly radical hull shape, deck/internal space is sacrificed. I think this is particularly eveident in the large centre console (the one I have).

    To sum up. I did a heap of research and bummed a ride on a many different glass boats as I could.
    IMHO no other open glass boat is as soft and dry in ugly conditions.

    I am in Brisbane and you are welcome to come for a run if you are local.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Yeah! Tim fit the trim tabs won't matter where you park that esky full of reds then. Andrew.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Craigie has found the post !!!

    Will give comprehensive details and pics as soon as I get a chance.
    Got a bit of work to do for the next couple of hrs.


  9. #9

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Dean @ Formset on Ingham Rd T'ville has a 680 cc I think with a 200 Optimax, give him a call. From what he told me he loves the thing. cheers.

  10. #10

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Cheers tim_flyin, I agree there is bugger all storage but i think i might go something similar to cyclone's setup.

    I am surprised that you mention that they are bad for weight distribution i assume you mean only when on the plane, as it is fairly beamy compared to the hookers. and i would have thought that they would be alright when at rest.


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Cyclone Boats


    I too have a Cyclone 540 Side Console, fitted up with a 115 hp Mercury Optimax with the addition of the Smart Craft Gauges.
    Great performance, top speed is a tick under 40 knots, which is quite exhilerating in this sleek open boat !

    I'm more than happy with the Fuel Econ from the 115 Opti.
    The boat hops onto the plane at around 3100 revs, where it uses 13 litres per hour with the speedo showing 18 knots.
    3500 rev Cruise Speed is around 20-21 knots, burning 16 - 17 litres per hour.
    4000 rev cruise speed produces 24 knots at approx 20 litres per hour
    5800 flat stick uses 37 litres per hour.
    At the other end of the scale, idle at 650 revs burns .7 litres per hour !! use stuff all if slow trolling !!!

    A lot of my fishing & Boating is based around Moreton bay, so a 10 -15 knot day are the type of conditions I look for when hitting the water.
    The Cyclone just loves it !! I can power across the Bay to Moreton Island (about a one hour run) in relative comfort. When conditions start to get up to 20 knots and 1m white cap waves as a short sharp chop, it's time to back off the speed and head for home.

    I have had several guys from Ausfish out for a run, as far as I know they walked away fine with no back complaints .

    I originally had the boat built for Estuary/Bay fishing with a touch of Offshore in mind when the weather was perfect. Also use the boat in the dams for lure fishing for Bass and Yellowbelly.
    The boat is also equipped with Ski Hooks which have come in handy for a bit of towing of tubes etc. The boat has plenty of grunt for these activities and could no doubt tow a Barefoot enthusiest if required !!

    The internal layout is complete with no less than 5 underfloor compartments, these include the main storage/esky in the centre of the boat, a kill tank in the stern. The main feature of the bow is the Casting deck which has a live well built into it. This area provides ample room for safety gear etc when not used for live fish retention. It is fully plumbed for Tournamnet use if required. Forward of the Live Well is a large Anchor Locker that has room for several spare anchores and rope. Finally built in the very front of the Bow is the main anchor storage area. All hatches are covered with non slip matting and flush mount latches.
    Also has a Plumbed Live Bait tank, built into the drivers side rear quarter.

    I've had the whole package for a bit over 2 years now and still shake with excitement when backing it into the water. 420 hours on the Optimax, it all gets plenty of use

    Just recently I ran the boat 60 k's offshore from Mooloolaba to fish the wide deep reef systems as my taste in fishing seems to be heading in that direction. The boat performed well and I would certainly do it again, although wind and swell conditions have to be perfect to ensure the safety of myself and crew. For the record, we covered around 125k's for the day, burning only 68 litres of fuel. I had 3 people and a heap of gear on board for the trip, inc a 130 litre esky full of ice (but very few fish ). I did notice on this trip that I needed to push the esky forward to the centre of the boat to help with weight distribution and getting the boat to plane better in offshore conditions.

    I have contemplated selling my 540 to move into something bigger as wide offshore fishing has got a stronger grip on me since the original purchase.

    Feel free to ask about any thing I may have forgotten to mention.


    I have added carpet & Canopy etc to the boat since purchase.
    also added Rod Holders, Sounder and Downrigger.
    Total outlay to date is about $45 000.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    on the trailer, prior to another mission

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Front view, showing casting deck and hatches.
    The boat resembles an "Arrow" from this angle !!

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    Close up of hull, showing 22 degree V.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Cyclone Boats

    rear angle showing internal space, hatches, horizontal rod storage

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