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9.9 on 3 metre tinny - Page 2
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Thread: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

  1. #16

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

    Marcus. Number one you need to understand is the compliance plate is there for one reason. To keep u and whoever else safe. It's for complying with. Being a 10' boat u have and a punt an 8hp will make it plane with 2 people and gear very easy and get a decent speed outa it. I used to have an 8 mariner on my horizon, wich is 12' and a v hull. This would plane with full floor, gear and all bits n pieces with 2 people. An 8 will be plenty for you. Only go for a 9.9 or 15 if you want something super quick, you want to be dangerous... possible discintergration of vessel when you hit something at high speed and u want to be a voider of insurance.
    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

  2. #17

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

    Once again the 8 will still get you guys up on the plane, 3.10m
    is a small boat.

    cheers jono

  3. #18

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

    alright, thanks a lot for the advise- just wasn't sure

  4. #19

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny


    I have a 12 foot brooker v12 (old One) have had a 20 hp mecury on for years it was a bit scary but then changed to a 9.9 evinrude and that has been on it since 1988 runs well, takes a little to get up on the plane with three in it but goes well with two and is cheap to run and maintain.

    I have only in the last two weeks bought a 5.2 metre Rum Runner and put the old girl back atmy dear old mums place, It will stay there as it is a great lake and river boat can get in the spots where the big ones dare not to go.

    Its nice and easy for ther kids to use and one man operation is great, the big bugger is heavy going putting in and out with just a skinny 12yr old to help.

    anyway 9.9 is good and it is just the carby thats a bit different on the 15hp you can get a kit for about $500 to upgrade but I have seen them go on Ebay before for around a $100.


  5. #20

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

    I have a 3.85 Quintrex explorer with a 9.9 Merc, everybody that has seen how it goes reckon it's the fastest 9.9 in the world. Even with 2 adults, a 100litre live well with 85 to 90 litres of water in it, an n70z battery and esky and all other gear, the boat has a floor in it as well, it still gets on the plane. With me by myself with no gear it is really scary.


  6. #21

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

    This one is powered with a 6 Hp yamaha and goes 25 km/h with 2 people and big lunch.. enjoy


    PS building a second one now----- One and 1/2 man flyer....

  7. #22

    Re: 9.9 on 3 metre tinny

    This one is powered with a 6 Hp yamaha and goes 25 km/h with 2 people and big lunch.. enjoy


    PS building a second one now----- One and 1/2 man flyer....

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