what speed would you expect from a v12 brooker tinnie and a 9.9 jonhson, 81 model at WOT
what speed would you expect from a v12 brooker tinnie and a 9.9 jonhson, 81 model at WOT
flat out![]()
Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........
modified the original post, I know flat out but km's is what I am after
G'Day Blaze..
Being an 81 model, its 9.9hp rating would be at the flywheel.
I would imagine you would be very lucky to squeeze 17/ 20kph
out of her, going WITH the wind and current.
Hi Harry
that was my thoughts/expectations
gps speed is 35.6kmh
so my thoughts are
is this motor really a 15hp with a 9.9 cover as I believe they were the same motor.
It's good that you got more than you bargained for
On a good day eg perfec conditions , I can just about keep up with road traffic alond the road at Chinderah in my '88 model 9.9. So I would guess that I'm doing somewhere around 45km ish.
Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........
Had a look at the 6hp thread back a bit, now with aussiefools speed I guessing its a 9.9 but I didnt really expect it to go that quick.
my 3.75 edgetracker and 15 Honda with me alone does 43-45km/h flat maggots...don't know if that good or bad now
Must be that hydro foil thingo eh Aussie![]()
G'day Blaze.
How heavy is this brooker of yours? I have the 12' horizon and 9.9 merc(2000 model). This boat has full floor, 2 tanks of fuel battery casting deck and everything u could imagine. I reach 35kph at WOT taken by GPS one up. I think you are on the money. Yours does however sound like it may be a 15, condsidering flywheel VS prop ratings.
hi Dave
Bugger all weight, little anchor up the front, 20l fuel, 2 paddles, me @ about 85kg, plastic bucket and nearly forgot hand held gps. reckon she's a 9.9
and the 9.9 @ some kg's
I'd agree with pretty much a basic boat u have there that she is a 9.9. As I said, mine's pretty damn loaded and I still see that speed.
G'day Finga, To tell you the truth with the foil, I've lost a bit of top end speed with just myself in the boat but when I have the Mrs in it it jumps out of the water now with better speed. Thanks again mate
Rainbow Trout is NOT skittle flavoured fish.........
Hi Blaze
I just mothballed a brokker v12 with an Evinrude 9.9 on it (will keep it great for the rivers where I cand get with Fiberglass job).
The only difference in th 9.9 and the 15 HP (Johnson and Evinrude are the same motor different colour) is that the carby on the 15 is bigger. Thats all. every thing else is identical.
Hi Gordon
thats why I got this little bugger, and hot dam its so cheap to run.