hi guys,
it seems that people on this site are questioning my story......so i'll give a little more info.
On the second day of being at Lady Musgrave we were fishing in the lee of the island when 3 guys onboard a 68ft trawler "JEROBA" waved us over to there boat. They wanted smokes in exchange for prawns as they had run out. The invited us on there vessel and where happy to see other people as they had been out for 6 weeks.
They had been anchored in the lee of the island for a week and a half as it was to rough to trawl. They told us that the previous night they had tried to go out for a trawl as the wind had dropped to 30-40knts. They were in 200-300meters and 5mins after putting the nets in the port side 1.5inch steel cable snapped, this drew all the weight of the nets to the stardboard side spinning the boat beam onto the sea where an 8m wave crashed over the side pinning one of the deckies against the snap freaser breaking a couple of ribs, the boat listed hugely before righting and the starboard side cable snapped. The skipper said he was in the 3 story wheelhouse at the time and the wave was at eye-level, he thought they were going down at first but belives that the weight of the net swinging of the starboard side prevented the boat from rolling. These guys lost tens of thousands of dollars worth for that trip and couldn't belive that we had gotten out there that day, in that small of a boat, they thought we were mad......... i have nothing to gain by lying, and if in doubt contact Damion the skipper of the JEROBA