Just bought my first "real boat" a v19c, after having little tinnys all my life. Anyway i have been busy since i got it cleaning up the interior, re-flowcoating and just tidying things up after about 30 years of dirt, mud, ues and abuse. Anyway getting ready to put everything back in and just wondering what should i seal the screws with so that water doesnt seep in and rot the floor? Also when i removed the under floor fuel tank it was put in with that expanding foam around it. Over time this had just become all water and fuel logged (dangerous with an inboard i am guessing). When i put the tank back in what can i use around it to hold it there? Can i just use rubber mat to stop it rubbing on the floor? Or does it need the foam to take up all the air space so that fuel vapors dont accumulate? I dont know alot about sterndrives and just want to be sure i am doing the right thing and not making a time bomb.
I am glad i found this chatboard, its great and i am sure to be asking plenty of questions as i learn about my new boat.